Holiness vs. Legalism: Drawing the Line? My Conclusion

In part 1 I shared my struggle with drawing the line between holiness and legalism. I touched on the way we dress and music. Then in part 2, I talked a bit about churches which seem to miss the mark as well as celebration of holidays and who we choose to associate with. I’ve by no means come to a final conclusion in my heart. I don’t know that I ever will because God is constantly growing me. Once I think I have something figured out, God unveils something else for me and I realize I am still just a … Continue reading

Holiness vs. Legalism: Drawing the Line? Part 2

This is the second part of a 3 part series. In part 1 I shared my thoughts on the way we dress as Christians and the music we listen to in the name of Christ. As stated in my last blog, I have a difficult time drawing the line between striving toward holiness and getting caught up in legalism. If you recall in the Bible, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees who were hypocrites (Matthew 23). They were focused on being self-righteous and following the Law losing sight of the purpose God had for initially establishing those laws. Needless to say, the … Continue reading

Holiness vs. Legalism: Drawing the Line? Part 1

This is an area I have one of the toughest times with in my Christian walk! I consider myself fairly moderate on the Christian spectrum. I am conservative in appearance and actions; however there are Christians out there who are much more conservative in apparel and routines than I am. I want to be a better Christian but where do we draw the line between striving for holiness and becoming legalistic by making servitude toward Christ more about rules and regulations than about relationship? Here are some things I’ve been thinking about: Dress: I am not a covered woman as … Continue reading

Getting Too Comfy?

Does God really want us to be comfortable? If someone had asked me years ago I would have told them yes because I believed God wanted us to be happy and He wants good for our lives. I know now the reality about being too comfortable in our walk and the destruction it can be in our lives. As long as we are living in this sin filled world we will not arrive at perfection. This does not mean we shouldn’t make great efforts to do better and be better though. God deserves nothing less than the best we have … Continue reading

Peer Pressure

When we think of peer pressure, school aged children likely come to mind. Peer pressure doesn’t just affect those in school; adults can be affected as well. Society generally has an impact on us whether it’s how we choose to dress, how we choose to speak or how we choose to behave. Christians are no less susceptible to various pressures of temptation from the world than anyone else. Peer pressure is not exclusive to those who we directly associate with either; it can come from people on television and the internet as well. It’s important as Christians that we are … Continue reading

“Now, Go Do The Right Thing.”

If you have spent any time listening to the popular Conservative talk radio doctor-diva, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, you’ve probably heard her catchy phrase at the end of each segment of her show, “Now, go do the right thing.” It’s a, no nonsense plea cast out to her listeners intended to encourage others to be better people. The other day I was really thinking about this simple phrase. What it would be like if everyone took Dr. Laura’s advice and really did decide to do the right thing? Keeping in mind, I’m from the school of thought there is a “right” … Continue reading

Ask Your Husband

I understand not everyone who reads this has a husband. So, for the purpose of what I have to share, feel free to insert whoever you feel is a voice of reason in your life. And yes, for those of you ladies who do not feel your husband is a reasonable voice, feel free to consider someone else’s name to insert where you see the word “husband”. I intend to share from my own thoughts here so please humor me. God sure is creative! Generally speaking men and women are so different. Though I don’t believe I’m as complicated as … Continue reading

The Sunday Bulletin

Every Sunday morning we are usually in such a rush to get to church that by the time we arrive, songs have already broken out and I don’t take the opportunity to read my bulletin. Sometimes my bulletin serves as a coaster for my tea and becomes an object for sermon notes and, I admit, doodling. Since our pastor usually makes announcements of upcoming events from the pulpit, I typically don’t think to look through the bulletin since our church also has a website should I become forgetful about a specific event date. When visiting a church for the first … Continue reading

A Mother’s Ministry

As a stay-at-home-mom I have questioned the significance of my role as well as the position God would have me in regard to the body of Christ. I know I am doing a valuable service to my young children getting to devote a good amount of time to them during these early years especially. Recently I’ve really begun to discover the role God has given me as a mother in ministry. There is no other person who currently spends more time with my children than I do. I may have the most influence in their little lives. As they grow … Continue reading

I’m Too Far Gone for Jesus to Save

“Jesus wouldn’t want me; I’m too much of a sinner.” It grieves my heart to hear these kinds of statements from people who are very much in need of a savior. People with these feelings of inadequacy seem to miss the point entirely of what it means to need saving. Being “far gone” at any level is precisely why Jesus paid the price He did for us; we were not capable of saving ourselves. While it’s true that God expects us to strive toward holiness, He knows that spiritual maturity doesn’t happen over night. That’s why I believe it’s important … Continue reading