Counterfeit Goodness

The author of counterfeit goodness in this world is none other than Satan himself. He is the enemy of our souls who despises us as God’s creation and is full of envy toward our loving and merciful Father. Satan uses counterfeit goodness when there is a need or desire in our lives. He’s had centuries of working on his sales pitch and frankly he’s quite good at it. Unfortunately, if we should choose to buy into his false promises, we will end up cheated with junk to carry around. As you may recall Eve bought into Satan’s deceit regarding wisdom … Continue reading

Bless Those Who Persecute You

Why on earth would we want to bless those who are wicked toward us? Romans 12:14, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Romans 12:21, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” I believe the answer to this is simple: the ability to forgive and to stand out as a light to others is something that sets us a part … Continue reading

Bringing Your Spouse to Christ

A friend of mine shared her struggles with me of trying to help her husband desire a relationship with Jesus. They met during a time neither of them knew the Lord; while they’d been using illegal drugs. My friend worked to stay grounded in church upon receiving Christ and became over eager to convert her husband. This seemed to cause him to resist her. He thought she’d really lost it. The more she backed off the more open he was to supporting her (as he saw it) by going to Easter and Christmas services. My husband was not a believer … Continue reading

Electing Leaders

Regardless where we stand on the political party spectrum we are all subject to authorities whether we agree with them or not. In 2008 United States citizens who are registered voters will elect the forty-fourth president of our great nation. We’ve yet to have a perfect leader, but, by the grace of God, we’ve never had a horrific madman leading the country either. People are going to fail us whether they are in high places or in low places. There is only one leader who will never fail us and He is King Jesus. As our focus draws closer and … Continue reading

Who Will Be In Heaven?

There are many who feel Christians who proclaim their beliefs of what the Bible says in regard certain sin come off as judgmental. It is true many Christians are like this. I personally don’t ever want to come across as anything extra special as a Christian because apart from Christ, I am hell bound. None of us should speak out on such things without humility remembering not one of us is without sin and each one of us need Jesus. I’ve compiled a list of many of the sins mentioned in the Bible that prevent the entrance of a person … Continue reading

Being Sick

A week prior to this writing I became very sick with the flu then a double ear infection. During this bout of misery I was trying to imagine what good could be found in feeling the way I did—like I said I was sick and probably not thinking clearly. As dramatic as it sounds, I started to wonder the “what-ifs” and think about my children being without a mother and my husband being without a wife. Then I had to snap back to reality and remind myself, I was just sick, I was not dying! While I was lying in … Continue reading


Likely we’ve all done it or heard it; during the intensity of a moment one curses as if letting pressure out of a volcano. Some have even adopted curse words into their regular vocabulary out of habit. Swearing, cursing, cussing, bad words, they’re almost everywhere from the door of the home, to television, to bumper stickers. A person’s sensitivity to certain words probably has a lot to do with their environment. I have never heard a bad word come out of my mom’s mouth (my dad was a different story). Saying the Lord’s name in vain while growing up was … Continue reading

Jesus, Our Passover Lamb

In Exodus chapter 12 the children of Israel were told to take a lamb for their household. Verse 5 says, “Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year…” The Israelites were instructed on how and when to kill it. They were to use the blood around the door frame of the home. In verse 13 the LORD tells us, “Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you … Continue reading

Non-Christian Memorials

I think one of the hardest places to be present for emotionally is a funeral for someone who died likely having rejected Christ as their savior. Unlike with the death of a believer, you can’t with an honest heart comfort someone with the fact the person is in heaven with God where one day they might be reunited together. Though the funeral for a non-believer can leave an added sadness, there really is a tactful and respectful way to remember the person and even turn the situation at hand to bring glory to God. Realize we really don’t know what … Continue reading

The Mighty Ocean

One of the most spectacular sceneries I’ve viewed is the Pacific Ocean. The mountains are beautiful as is the Grand Canyon and Yellow Stone National Park, but it’s the ocean that has fascinated me the most. From a distance one can see the pounding of the waves but when walking along the shore, it’s easy to forget that body of water is powerful and ought to be feared in a sense of respect. One summer while on our family vacation, my friend and I decided to go out playing in the ocean. Thought we felt the strength of the current … Continue reading