An Engaging Website

Earlier this month I wrote about how member Jade Walker had a very engaging Halloween. In addition to sharing a snippet of the romantic way her beau proposed to her, she also included this line: “To learn more, go to” Of course I went to check it out. I thought what I found was so cool, I immediately knew it would make a great topic for the Marriage Blog. But I wanted to get Jade’s permission to write about it first. I wasn’t sure she’d want her marriage business made public. But she didn’t mind. As she put … Continue reading

Pet Insurance

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about pet insurance. Maybe because of all the money we’ve had to fork out for Murphy’s paw surgery. Except, I’m not sure if pet insurance would have covered it. I’m not that well versed in the various pet insurance policies out there. But I keep seeing them advertised, so I thought I’d check into it a bit more. Besides, it makes a great article for the Pets Blog! Types of Pet Insurance Policies Who has them and where can you get them? Below is a list of some of the pet insurance providers I … Continue reading

Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life

Even though the title might suggest such, I’m not about to tell you how to salvage a slumping sex life by simply putting fresh sheets on your bed. (Although, if it has been weeks since you changed them, I could see how that might help.) Rather, I’m talking a makeover for your bed. Courtney, you do realize we’re in the midst of recession, right? Weren’t you the one freaking out about it not too long ago and coming up with ways to survive it without spending a lot of cash? Why, what a great memory you have! Yes, in fact … Continue reading

Five Ways to Be an Angel for Animals This Holiday Season

In addition to the flurry of catalogs stuffing my mailbox these days, I’ve also gotten a slew of donation requests from various animal organizations. I’d love to help all of them, but, just like everybody else, money’s tight lately. However, I decided I still could help. Maybe not everyone else is aware of the various places needing help or of the different donation programs offered. Maybe by creating a list of them I’d still be helping in a way. So that’s what I did. Maybe one of the following will appeal to your donation style. PETA’s “Angels for Animals” doghouse … Continue reading

Spouses Behaving Badly

What would you do if your spouse talked and laughed about you behind your back? Or didn’t stick up for you when someone made an unkind remark about them? Or ran to save only him or herself without consideration for your safety when danger loomed? Sadly, my marriage has encountered all of these situations. Behind My Back In our early years, back when we were still dating and not even living together, Wayne had some friends who could be rather lewd and obnoxious. One day when we weren’t getting along very well (which happened more than I care to admit … Continue reading

How Much Do You Incorporate Your Pets Into Your Lifestyle?

A while back in another article I asked how much your pets influence different aspects of your lifestyle, from work to home life. But now I’m wondering about how much you incorporate your pets into your lifestyle. I got to thinking about it when I came across a cartoon in a Woman’s World magazine. These two ladies were standing in front of a refrigerator in what was supposed to be one of their kitchens. Pinned to the refrigerator was artwork of paw prints. The one lady’s saying to the other, “No, we don’t have kids. That’s our dog’s art work.” … Continue reading

Virtual Pets

In addition to any real pets you may have, do you also claim any virtual pets? I don’t. But I think if Wayne finds out about them, the next time I feel like adding to our family, in addition to his “We don’t need any more animals,” spiel he always gives me, he also might add, “But if you really feel you need another, get a virtual pet.” What’s a Virtual Pet Anyway? That’s what I was curious to know. I kept stumbling across the term. At first I thought it was something where you make a donation to virtually … Continue reading

Cast Off Day!

We woke to much anticipation and excitement in our house this morning. After eight weeks, today Murph was set to get his cast off. I woke up early so I could get him to the surgeon’s office a little after 7:30 a.m. But before we left, I lay on the floor with him and petted his belly. “I need you to be a brave boy for me one more time, okay? Today I have to drop you off at the vet’s because they have to give you the sleepy medicine again to get your cast off. I know you don’t … Continue reading

Reviewing Priorities

Is there something your husband or wife does that’s sure to piss you off? I’m not talking something major, like cheating or spending thousands of dollars irresponsibly. (Though those would be prime pisser offer actions.) Rather, I’m referring to the little things. The not changing the toilet paper roll when it’s used up. The not rinsing off the dirty dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. (Or the opposite, for those of you out there who don’t see the value in rinsing dishes that are just going in the dishwasher anyway.) The leaving dirty clothes where they lay rather than … Continue reading

Remembering Cher Ami and Other Veteran Carrier Pigeons

When Wayne and I took a trip to Washington, D.C. last year, I was blown away. I’d never been there before and didn’t really know what to expect. I sure wasn’t expecting to become so smitten with the place. It captured my heart and still has yet to let go. (I’m thinking it probably never will. I absolutely loved my visit there.) The museums were all incredible. And something I thought was really neat was how I found a story about an animal detailed in almost all of them. Animals Make Up Our History, Too Like when we were in … Continue reading