About Rich Andrews

Rich has been married 20 years to his wife Laura. They have 4 children together, one with many special health and learning needs because of velocardiofacial syndrome. They homeschool 2 of their 4 children. Rich has been a stay-at-home dad for the past year after working in social services for 15 years. Laura works from home full time as a medical transcriptionist. Both parents have degrees in education and have done a lot of research on health- and family-related issues. The Andrews family is committed to living a healthy lifestyle, a commitment that has become more important to them than ever after Laura was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis shortly after the birth of their fourth child. Rich worked for 9 years as a Child Protective Services (CPS) Case Manager, investigating allegations of abuse and neglect. He has also served as a Guardian ad Litem for children in divorce cases involving custody and has volunteered as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for child welfare cases, representing the best interests of children in court.

Thoughts on Raising a Child with Special Medical Needs

It was 14 years ago on June 14, 1994 when we learned that our son was born with something wrong. We had no idea what that something was until the doctors ran some tests and found that he had Velocardiofacial Syndrome (also known as Shprintzen Syndrome). He couldn’t keep his formula down, and he was not gaining weight. Doctors had to insert a feeding tube through his nostrils (NG tube) so he could be fed. Later the doctors had to surgically insert a tube into his stomach (G tube). My wife and I are glad we did not know what … Continue reading

Spanking: Risks and Legal Concerns

First of all, I want to start right off by saying I am not an attorney. However, I worked for almost 10 years as a Child Protective Services (CPS) Caseworker investigating allegations of abuse and neglect, and testifying in Court. I have seen a lot of really bad things happen to kids. I have also seen a lot of good parenting, and parents who just need a little support and help. Spanking is one of the main questions people ask me about when it concerns CPS. Some of the questions concerning spanking that I will address: 1. Is it legal … Continue reading

Dreaming Dreams, Growing Up and Becoming a Man

When I was a boy I used to dream of growing up and becoming a singer on the stage in front of thousands of people. We didn’t have computers, or video games to entertain us. All we had was our imagination. My mom grew up loving Elvis. We used to hear his music all the time at home on the radio. Sometimes when I would get bored I went outside, found the old broom, and made it my “microphone” for an hour or so until I got that Elvis out of my system. Those poor neighbors. As I grew older … Continue reading

Donuts with Dad

During the last week of my daughter’s school, her kindergarten teacher organized an event called “Donuts with Dad.” My wife had attended “Muffins with Mom” about two weeks earlier, so the pressure was on dad to come through. It was a busy week for me. I was starting a new time job, not to mention I still had to maintain all of the other appointments and activities for my family. Consequently, when I heard about this new activity with her kindergarten class I was not too excited about going at first – until I got there. When I arrived at … Continue reading

Father’s Day, 2008

It’s that special time of year again when dads look forward to all the unique and wonderful gifts that they will receive. Everything from ties to power tools is on the menu. One of the best gifts I ever received was a 12-string guitar. I used to joke with my wife all the time about getting one for my anniversary present. My wife and son went in on this together and purchased it online. I tried to think back to what I used to give my dad for Father’s Day. Nothing really stands out in my mind. Today we mostly … Continue reading

Men’s Group

Recently, I had just finished a men’s Bible study group. We completed a Bible study guide for Tony Dungy’s book, Quiet Strength. I had finished the book around the time my son had his Scoliosis surgery. The book was excellent. I found the study to be very helpful. One of the most important aspects of the study was that we met together as a group of men and could share our common interests and concerns. There’s something about meeting with a group of men, swapping manly stories, and encouraging one another. One of the things we talked about in the … Continue reading

Book Review: “Mistaken Identity”

Imagine for a moment losing your daughter in an automobile accident. You go through grieving for your child for about a month, only later to learn that she survived. That’s was one family’s experience. The other family is told that their child is the only one who survived a terrible crash and that she is in a coma. The parents spend about a month believing that their loved one will pull through, only to find out that once the child wakes up, she is not their daughter at all. And that there real daughter died in the accident. It is … Continue reading

Becoming a School Bus Driver

As of May 25, 2008 I have been a stay at home dad for one year. During that time we, like many families have struggled to put bread on the table and gas in the tank. One day last winter I spoke to a friend at church who had asked about our family. He told me that he had been out of work for a while and had recently started as a substitute school bus driver. He asked me, “Have you ever thought about being a school bus driver?” I honestly have never thought of doing that. I used to … Continue reading

So, Your Child Wants to Play Guitar

One day your child comes home from school and says, “Wow, my friend Slash just got a really cool Gibson Les Paul Guitar and a new amp. When can you get me a guitar so we can have a BAND?” Well…let me be the first one to tell you that depending on the model, guitars range in price anywhere from $50.00 (Garage Sale model) to $10,000.00 (Collector’s Edition endorsed by an overpaid, famous musician). At this point it might behoove the parent to inform the child that they would be willing to get the child the $50.00 Garage Sale Version … Continue reading

Speaking Your Wife’s Language

You may be asking yourself, “What does speaking your wife’s language have to do with being a good father?” I remain convinced (for those who are married) that you have to be a good husband first before you can be a good father. Dr. Gary Chapman has written a book entitled, The Five Love Languages. In his book Dr. Chapman lists the five “languages” as 1. Words of Affirmation 2. Quality Time 3. Receiving Gifts 4. Acts of Service 5. Physical Touch I had the privilege of hearing one of Dr. Chapman’s messages at our church back in the 1990’s … Continue reading