The Lowdown on Postpartum Periods

I have a new item to add to the list of “Things That Happen Postpartum That No One Ever Talks About”. Seriously, there is an entire list of things that happen postpartum that simply do not get discussed by most people, most of the time. Since these things do not get discussed, they take you completely by surprise when they happen. How do I know this? I am currently working my way through one of them, and I am just beginning to understand it. I wish that someone had given me the lowdown on postpartum periods at some point before … Continue reading

Anger Shows Us Where Change Is Needed

Lately, bedtime at my house has been more frustrating than it has been in months. Actually, frustrating is too mild of a word to describe what it has felt like. I have actually been feeling enraged. The two hours between dinner time and bed time have somehow morphed into three. It’s not the length of the time that is getting to me, although it is a contributing factor because my “me time” does not happen until the kids are asleep. The issue is more about what goes on during those three hours. At our house, the time in between dinner … Continue reading

Whose Dreams Are You Following?

One business tip that applies to both home – based professionals and professionals who work outside of the home is that the route to career satisfaction is to follow your dreams. Since it is graduation season, the phrase “follow your dreams” is being tossed around a lot, as proud families wish their graduates the best as they go on to the world of work or the pursuit of higher education. Sometimes, though, it is harder to follow one’s dreams than it might seem. This is a new realization for me. On one hand, I am following my dreams. I am … Continue reading

It’s Not Their Fault, It’s Mine

Today, our septic system backed up into the basement and there was yucky water all over the floor. I discovered the mess when I was getting the kids ready to go to the park. I went downstairs to get a pair of pants that I knew were in the dryer from a few days ago, and as soon as I opened the door to the basement and saw water at the bottom of the stairs, my heart sank. As my heart sank, I realized that I had two options for what to do next. One option was to tell the … Continue reading

Do You Want To Yell Less and Love More?

The past three days have been very peaceful around here. Not quite, mind you, but peaceful nonetheless. I think that I know why, too. You see, a few days ago, I came across a wonderful blog called The Orange Rhino Challenge. The blog is a chronicle of one mom’s commitment to “Yell less, love more”. Once I read about how not yelling has made a huge difference for both The Orange Rhino and her family, I decided that I, too, want to stop yelling at my kids. I do my best not to yell, but it happens. I have yet … Continue reading

A Simple Process For Finding A Business Idea

If you are wondering whether you could start a home – based business and you are not sure what your business could be, take some time to think about what you are passionate about. Write down a list of things that you love. Next, sit down with that list and see whether any of those things could translate into some kind of a business. Even if you don’t think that an idea will work, write down all of the potential business ideas that you can possibly think of. From your list of potential business ideas, choose three that seem the … Continue reading

Know Before You Go – Hospital Policy on Human Milk

If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, there is something that you may want to check on as far as hospital policies and procedures are concerned. I would never have thought to check on this particular thing, and I never did check on it. An experience following the delivery of my second son made me realize that I wish I had done some more research regarding which hospital I would deliver in. Anyways, the issue that I would like to discuss today is related to breastfeeding. I nursed my then two and a half year old son all through … Continue reading

Have You Got Writer’s Block?

Working as a freelance writer can be a lot of fun. There are times, though, when it can be downright difficult. The creative nature of some writing assignments can be a breath of fresh air when you are feeling inspired. Of course, the thing about inspiration is that occasionally it can be hard to come by. If you are currently feeling uninspired, do not despair. Your inspiration has not gone away for good, there is just something preventing it from flowing freely. That something is called writer’s block, and it happens to every writer from time to time. Fortunately, there … Continue reading

Playful Parenting in Action

A while ago, I mentioned that I have been reading (and rereading and rereading) the book “Playful Parenting”, by Lawrence J. Cohen. Not only have I been reading it quite a bit, I have been test – driving some of the material. I am becoming a more playful parent, and I like that a lot. The kids seem to like it, too, and we seem to be having a better overall experience now than we have in the past. Yesterday, I spent the day alternating between fun play sessions with the boys and bits of “Mommy Time” where I worked … Continue reading

Should You Can Bathroom Humor Or Let It Rip?

Yesterday, I was driving in the car with the kids when something hilarious happened. Dylan had made up a game where he would choose a letter and we would go back and forth naming words that start with that letter. The first letter that he chose happened to be the letter “f”. This humble letter which starts off fabulous words like fun, football, and fruit had me in stitches when I caught myself asking Dylan if he “had any other f – words for me”. Fortunately, despite the fact that I nearly wet my pants while laughing about that, Dylan … Continue reading