Tip of the Day- Go Orange Today

How many things can you think of that are orange? Naturally oranges come to mind, but what else? Where else can you find orange your life? Let’s make it an orange day today. Find an orange piece of clothing to wear, pull out your orange essential oils, and eat your orange foods. Having an orange day is all about fun. It’s about lifting your mood and boosting your health. Here are some interesting things that orange can do for you. Think of the color orange, what kinds of emotions do you associate with it? We can all have good and … Continue reading

Hidden messages behind erectile dysfunction

Men don’t like to talk about it, but 20 million of them suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence. Essentially, the man’s penis is not able to hold the blood supply necessary to sustain an erection during sexual interaction. Of course, the chances of experiencing impotence increase with age, but a consistent loss of erectile function is not normal at any age. It can, and does, happen occasionally in any normal male, but a continued and consistent loss of function is definitely a problem. It’s often just a symptom of a bigger problem. There are many treatments available … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Play a game of tag

It’s just a fact of life that most of us need more exercise than we get. Most of us see it as a “have to” rather than a privilege to be able to move our bodies and go about most of the activities that we want to each day. Just for today, enjoy your family, enjoy life, and enjoy your body. Gather the kids around you and play a game of tag. Inside or out, be as creative as you’d like but get up and move. Combining exercise with the things we love most gives us an added benefit. Not … Continue reading

Rosacea or acne?

I’ve always had problems with acne. It never seemed to matter what I did, I still had break outs. I kept waiting for that “grown-up” stage to hit where acne wouldn’t be a problem for me. I’m still waiting. Recently a skin condition called rosacea has gained more notice and I began to wonder if this was actually the cause of my “adult acne”. So, how does it compare and what can I do about it? Rosacea is an inflammatory response that generally affects the facial skin specifically. It looks a lot like acne, with redness, swelling, bumps and small … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Hug 3 People Today

If I asked you when the last time was each member of your family had a hug from you and heard you specifically say “I love you”, some of us could answer easier than others. Some of us are more “touchy-feely” than others. I happen to be very closed about my emotions. I don’t like to share them openly with anyone but my family. I make sure my children know how much I care about them; the rest of it tends to slip through the cracks. I make exceptions of course, because I realize that others in my circle of … Continue reading

The Norovirus is attacking!

Recently the nation has experienced a string of norovirus outbreaks. They have been identified in the Boston area, Washington and Virginia and the virus was also blamed for an outbreak of illnesses at an Indianapolis Olive Garden restaurant. So, what exactly is a norovirus and how worried should you be? Noroviruses are a group of viruses that cause the “stomach flu,” or gastroenteritis. Norovirus is the official name for 5 viruses that act like the original “Norwalk virus,” which caused an outbreak of gastroenteritis in a school in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1968. Noroviruses are the cause of “stomach flu” (not … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

What’s all the fuss about dark chocolate?

Well, I’m totally bummed. This afternoon I tucked a small nugget of dark chocolate in my pocket. I like dark chocolate much better when it’s warm and soft, and I’d planned it as a treat after I finished my lunch. Lunch was finished and I got caught up in something. Two hours later I stood up and though “What’s in my pocket?” I reached in and mashed the chocolate all over my hand and the inside of my pocket. Dang it! That was perfectly good chocolate gone to waste! In honor of my lost chocolate I thought it was a … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Stretch before bed

No gym and no special equipment, no previous experience required. Learn a lesson from your cat, and stretch! Stretching is often over looked for its health benefits. It can give you increased flexibility and better range of motion, improved circulation, better posture, stress relief, enhanced coordination, and lowers your risk of injury during exercise and daily activities. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry even suggests that stretching can lower your blood pressure and your cholesterol, and increase your body’s ability to use insulin to improve the metabolism of blood sugar and carbohydrates. Stretching keeps our muscles flexible and increases blood … Continue reading

Understanding Lupus

Lupus got its name from the Latin word “wolf” because some people with lupus will develop a butterfly shaped rash across their nose and cheeks- it was thought that this rash gave them a wolf-like appearance! Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissues (such as joints and muscles) in your body. The immune system is supposed to distinguish normal body cells from those of invaders: in auto-immune diseases the body thinks normal cells ARE the invaders. This means that the normal immunity and defense systems have gone into over-drive and the body attacks its own cells causing tissue … Continue reading