Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer

I’m an interesting individual . . . okay, wait, let’s just say that I march to the beat of a different drummer. As I have grown older and have studied the gospel intently and followed the admonitions of Jesus Christ, prophets and apostles, I find that every aspect of life strikes a spiritual chord in me. I have wondered of late, if every conversation I am going to have for the remainder of my life will eventually take a spiritual bent? Then I read President Faust’s talk Voice of the Spirit and breathed a sigh of relief: “I feel deeply … Continue reading

The Tops of Mountains

Last week I was given the opportunity to drive to the top of a mountain and speak to the Cascade Stake girls camp attendees. My husband and I slowly wound our way around hairpin curves, onward and upward, and were reminded once again of the magnitude of Jesus Christ’s creation. Tall pine trees pointing toward the heavens, beautiful flowers sprinkled across mountain meadows, streams and miniature waterfalls pouring into waiting lakes and reservoirs, and a vast late spring sky so blue the intensity hurt our eyes. The week prior to this event was one filled with insanity. There were times … Continue reading

A Compass to the World

“I suggest a simple solution for selecting the channel to which we attune ourselves: listen to and follow the voice of the Spirit. This is an ancient solution, even eternal, and may not be popular in a society that is always looking for something new. It requires patience in a world that demands instant gratification. This solution is quiet, peaceful, and subtle in a world enamored of that which is loud, incessant, fast paced, garish, and crude. This solution requires you to be contemplative while your peers seek physical titillation. (This may seem foolish in a time when it is … Continue reading

Lightening it up a Little

Things have been a little heavy around my house lately. My husband and I have been reeling from the blows life has dealt us and have found a quiet barbeque in the park, evenings with friends, time in the temple, as well as quiet time together have been a great counter to those blows. But nothing heals, or sweeps the soul free of daily clutter, quicker than laughter. Okay, the Spirit is probably quicker, but let’s go with my theory for the moment, it’s the only way this thing will work. I felt the need of laughter in my life, … Continue reading

An Ensign to the World

“Every member a missionary,” that’s the slogan we’ve heard since we were old enough to comprehend . . . anything. Indeed President Spencer W. Kimball admonished: ““Should every young woman, should every father and mother, should every member of the Church serve a mission?” Again, the Lord has given the answer: Yes, every man, woman, and child—every young person and every little boy and girl—should serve a mission. This does not mean that they must serve abroad or even be formally called and set apart as full-time missionaries. But it does mean that each of us is responsible to bear … Continue reading

Trust in the Lord

“We all face choices in the course of our lives, some of them with a siren song of wealth and prosperity; others appear less promising. Somehow the Lord has watched over and guided my choices, although it was not always evident at the time. . . . “As I look back upon my life, I do so with a measure of wonder and awe. Everything good that has happened, including my marriage, I owe to my activity in the Church.”” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Seek Ye the Kingdom of God,” Ensign, May 2006, 81) Trusting in the Lord is sometimes a … Continue reading

When Children Go Missing

Today I received an email from a dear friend whose daughter has gone missing. My heart literally broke but I did the first things which came to mind. I prayed and then I called the temple and put the family name on the prayer roll. Latter-day Saints tend to respond differently to the tragedies of life. Yes, we cry. Without doubt, we grieve, but we tap into a strength that is connected to the heavens. As I pondered the situation, other thoughts poured into my mind. It is always difficult when the willful decisions of a child places them in … Continue reading

Back, If Somewhat Limited

Well, I’m back. The surgery on Monday went well – yes, there is a great deal of pain. When the doctor warned me I think I really had no concept of how much surgery on the knee would really hurt! It does, just in case anyone wants to know. Yesterday, Julie Wright, James Dashner and I, along with Shirley Bahlmann on the phone, were interviewed on Wakin’ Up with Rebecca and Kurt on Utah’s AM 820. Julie picked me up about 6:45 in the morning. There I was in pain and on crutches. There she was in terrible back pain … Continue reading

Spiritual Preparedness

Spiritual preparedness is an interesting concept. Does one sit down and make a list like for the 72-hour Emergency kit we’re all supposed to have. Flashlight – check. Sleeping bag – check. Water – check. First aid supplies – check. It actually might be somewhat similar – Elder Henry B. Eyring says, “However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are … Continue reading

The Spiritual Garden

Years ago I finally decided to return to my roots. I’d grown up with a mother most adept at gardening. Her gardens often stretched over an acre with healthy plants that fed us through the summer and fall. Despite this upbringing, when I looked at a vegetable and a weed, I couldn’t really tell the difference. So weeding was rarely my job. I can’t imagine why. Nevertheless, one spring I decided to plant a garden that I might enjoy the fruits of my labor, so to speak. I broke up ground in the designated area, fertilized it well, added healthy … Continue reading