Getting Ready to Move

It’s distinctly possible that I have been studying too much lately and everything has become symbolic. Let me explain. As I looked around my home and the accumulation of 11 plus years, I realized the magnitude of the task ahead of me. As I go in for knee surgery today I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. So as I contemplated a schedule and the possibilities of me being able to actually keep to it, I began to see similitudes in many areas. Introspectively, I see many corners of my mind, heart and spirit which could use a little spring cleaning and … Continue reading

Podcasting is So Cool! Imagine!

Inspired by Whit Larson of the popular MormonMomCast, I browsed the podcasts available in the LDS category on iTunes and found the anti-Mormon podcasts far outnumbered the actual LDS podcasts. Ever the proponent of the gospel and literacy in the home, an idea began percolating in my head. As I went about the duties of my daily life the idea took on a life of its own and within weeks I began putting together the idea of podcast. First, I think I was the only one in the world who had no idea what a podcast was until I ran … Continue reading

Hold to the Course

Wow, although it was only four days, I feel like I took a couple of weeks away from blogging. I missed it! I really did. Sometimes life can become so hectic that stepping back and taking stock of our lives is necessary for survival. I did this and realized that my husband and I need a slight alteration in course. We discussed it. We prayed about it and made some decisions that will make us a little busier in the short run but certainly more stable in almost every aspect of our lives if we hold to the course. Has … Continue reading

From the Beginning

From the beginning of time . . . no, not Adam and Eve, from the beginning of where we became spirit children of our Heavenly Father we were free to act accordingly to the dictates of our desires. Some desired to become like our heavenly parents, and some did not. Some were better and quicker at it than others, like Jesus Christ, others were not. But we know this because of modern revelation: “The spirits of men were not equal. They may have had an equal start, and we know they were all innocent in the beginning; but the right … Continue reading

Provident Living

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has this marvelous new program called Provident Living which you may access by visiting the website. From that website, the introductory paragraph to this month’s focus reads: “Maintaining good physical health allows our minds and bodies to function optimally, so we can more fully enjoy life. Proper diet and nutrition, exercise, and abstinence from harmful substances keep us healthy physically and more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit. Not only does attention to physical health make it more likely that we will have productive and meaningful lives, it also makes possible … Continue reading

The Body is a Temple

I love my nieces and all the young women in my life that I have been blessed to know. Oddly, I’m starting to really feel the difference between the generations. When I was a teenager (oh my word, I have definitely placed myself in the older generation, and at the age of 42!) nice girls just did not have tattoos. We didn’t. We also didn’t have fourteen earrings in one ear, one in the nose, one in the navel and others in places I don’t even want to think about. Sister Susan W. Tanner stated at October 2005 General Conference: … Continue reading

My Beloved Mother

Yesterday I read the following which forcibly reminded me how dearly I love my mother and how much I appreciate her: “The influence of your mother will bless you throughout life. . . . Long years ago, Elder Frank Croft was serving in the state of Alabama. While preaching to the people, he was forcefully abducted by a vicious gang, to be whipped and lashed across his bare back. Elder Croft was ordered to remove his coat and shirt before he was tied to a tree. As he did so, a letter he had recently received from his mother fell … Continue reading

Freedom is Not Free

Half of this nation, the United States of America, is under the delusion that freedom is free. If it were free, hundreds of thousands of men and women would not have lost their lives in defense of this country. If it were free, King George never would have tried to take what was not his. If it were free, men like Saddam Hussein would not flourish in this world, they would be stopped before they become dangerous. If freedom were free then terrorists such as that moron, Osama bin Laden, would not exist. But they do — people like this … Continue reading

The Political Process

Since I am in the throes of the political process, my brain is on three things. Politics, my writing and my religion. Somewhere in there, I take time for my family and friends and wonder how come I am so tired. Because I was elected the Precinct Chair in my precinct (that’s what happens when you go to the caucus looking like you know what you’re doing), I have been inundated with election material from every candidate since Adam walked the earth. My phone rings incessantly, my mailbox is full, both snail and email, and I have begun to feel … Continue reading

Growing Up in the Gospel and Learning Nothing

There are several types of people who grow up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m only going to concentrate on two: Those who implement every facet of the gospel and those who learn absolutely nothing regardless of decades in the church. Last week, an acquaintance of my husband’s was tazered to death in Salt Lake City, in front of his wife, by Salt Lake police officers. It was a tragedy, for all concerned. The immense sadness my husband and I felt was at the reports of the funeral of this man who had grown up in … Continue reading