Nephi or Laman & Lemuel

Are you Nephi or are you Laman and Lemuel? My brain is a little weird, so that explains this blog. In 1 Nephi 1:2-3 it says, “And it came to pass that the Lord commanded my father, even in a dream, that he should take his family and depart into the wilderness. And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.” So, here’s what I’m wondering as I’m sitting on the tarmac in Grand Junction, Colorado waiting for my plane to return to its original destination, … Continue reading

The Waters of Baptism

My Easter Sunday was quite one of the loveliest I have ever spent. (I think I’ve watched Pride and Prejudice too many times. Sorry, I’ll drop back into the American styling of the English language.) Anyway, all that aside, on Easter Sunday I was privileged to be in Waxahachie, Texas for the baptism of my beloved niece, Rebecca Case. I was so proud of her for fighting everything that stood in her way so that she could enter the waters of baptism on that very special day. Rebecca is really a most remarkable young woman. Her mother is violently anti-Mormon … Continue reading

My Secret Wish

For as long as I can remember, I have had a secret wish, an untold goal if you will, to own a bookstore with a marvelous little café included. Not trendy like Borders or Barnes and Noble, but homey, friendly, even inviting. Of course it would have the catchiest of names and I’d want it to be a haven for the reader and the author. I want to host monthly author readings and Q&A’s, I want to hold book launch parties, I want to host book groups and children’s hours. I want the best chef to be in charge of … Continue reading

Interview with Whit, Amy and Julie of

After reading Miriam’s interview with the founder of I found myself wanting to know more, so I sent Whit, the founder, an email and all three responded to my questions. I’m really liking these ladies and what they are doing. Brilliant idea! I wanted to give them a little more time to delve a little deeper into who and what they are. 1. Who came up with the idea for MormonMomCast and how? Amy – Whitney, she’s the enthusiast of the group. She’s always coming up with fun and exciting things for all of us. 2. What is the … Continue reading

Missionaries and Humor

I found this hysterical poem on the internet. First, let me say before I include it in my blog. Missionaries are called of God and go out to teach the world, keeping the promises of the Abrahamic covenant and serving in the best way they know how. I admire them, respect them and honor them. That being said, check this out! THE WAY IT IS THE MISSION PRESIDENT: Leaps tall buildings in a single bound, Is more powerful than a locomotive, Is faster than a speeding bullet, Walks on water, Associates with God. THE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT: Leaps short … Continue reading

Elder Russell M. Nelson

When I was 15-years-old I received the news I had a hole in my heart. I was told that everything would be okay, I would just need more sleep than other people. 16 and 17 shot by in a whirl of school, dances, parties, and letters to friends on missions. I slept on the bleachers at school when I had the chance. When I went to a church dance I would dance, sleep on the couch, dance and then go home to sleep fifteen or sixteen straight hours. It’s just the way things were. A couple of months prior to … Continue reading

To Fight or Not to Fight

My husband and I married later in life. Because of this, a great number of our friends had married and already begun their families. Each of us, respectively, were privy to a great number of marital battles. By the time we were married, we talked about how we had to fight the world, at every level, constantly throughout the day and we wanted our home to be a haven of peace and comfort. So we sat down and discussed the things which were likely to send us into a full screaming battle. We talked for hours and made a list … Continue reading

Life From an Eternal Perspective

Sometimes when the furnace goes bust, the water heater explodes, and you’ve stubbed your toe a dozen times since waking, you may think to yourself, “Murphy’s Law is in full force today!” it might be not only healthy, but wise to step back and look at life in the eternal perspective. I think it’s safe to say that I have led a somewhat chaotic life, which is probably why I crave peace and quiet so much. When life comes crushing down on me I may stutter, but I am not crushed. Oh yes, I weep, I fear, I worry – … Continue reading

A Review of My Not-So-Fairy-Tale Life

Again, although I am not a fan of first person writing, Julie Wright has done an excellent job of taking us into the life, mind and emotions of an unwed mother, Suzanna Quincy. I am so pleased to state that Julie is one of the best writers in the LDS market and could easily compete, hands down, in the national market (hint to the national publishers looking at her fantasy work). Masterful in her exposition, dialogue and understanding of a confused unwed mother’s mind, she takes us through a journey that begins with terrible parenting. Diving into a world of … Continue reading

The Word of Wisdom

With the overwhelming onslaught of obesity in our nation, my mind is turned the Word of Wisdom given to the Latter-day Saints in Section 89 of the Doctrine & Covenants: 1 A WORD OF WISDOM, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion— 2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom,forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days— 3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to … Continue reading