Gestational Diabetes: Causes & Diagnosis

Gestational diabetes is attributed to increased glucose intolerance during pregnancy, which is the result of hormonal changes in the body. Pregnant women are most at risk of developing gestational diabetes in their third trimester, because that is when hormones are really running rampant. Gestational diabetes occurs in about 4% of all pregnancies, and is caused when women are unable to produce more insulin during their pregnancy to counteract the effect of hormones that stop the action of insulin. These hormones are necessary to prevent the mother from developing a low blood sugar level and they are produced by the placenta. … Continue reading

The Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes can cause serious complications if it is undiscovered and left untreated. Although there are certain high risk groups, nobody can be sure they do not have it or will not develop diabetes at one point life. There are two types of diabetes, Diabetes I and II. Each one comes with its own treatment approach and its own symptoms. Below you will find the symptoms for diabetes I and II separated by type: Symptoms for Diabetes Type I Increased thirst. Increased hunger, especially after you already ate. Dry mouth. Frequent urination. Unexplained weight loss. Fatigue, weakness and feeling tired. Blurred … Continue reading

Types of Dangerous Arrhythmias

Types of Dangerous Arrhythmias Arrhythmia is a term used to describe irregular heart beats. Arrhythmia is not synonymous for a fast or irregular heart rate: you could suffer from arrhythmia without having an irregular beat, skipping beats or even if you naturally have a slow (or fast) heart rate. There are two types of harmless arrhythmia, and below you will find the remaining types that do require medical treatment. Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a very common type of arrhythmia. It involves an irregular heart rhythm that causes the atria, the upper chambers of the heart to contract in an abnormal … Continue reading

2 Types of Harmless Arrhythmia

Arrhythmias are irregular heart beats. There are several types of arrhythmias, and not all of them are dangerous or harmful. In this article two harmless types of arrhythmia are discussed that (generally) do not require any treatment. Arrhythmia is not synonymous for a fast or irregular heart rate: you could suffer from arrhythmia without having an irregular beat, skipping beats or even if you naturally have a slow (or fast) heart rate. In the United States alone more than 850,000 people are hospitalized for an arrhythmia each year, recognize the symptoms and see your doctor if you suspect an arrhythmia. … Continue reading

Arrhythmia Basics: Causes & Symptoms

Arrhythmia is a term used for an irregular heartbeat. This does not mean the heart rate is irregular though, one can have arrhythmia and not experience an irregular heart rate. A normal heart rate is between 50 and 100 beats per minute. Whether you have a slow or fast heart rate, you can suffer from arrhythmia, and in the United States alone more than 850,000 people are hospitalized for an arrhythmia each year. Causes of Arrhythmia There are several factors that can lead to arrhythmia, including the following: Coronary artery disease Electrolyte imbalances in your blood (such as sodium or … Continue reading

Beat Unhealthy Cravings

Being healthy involves eating healthy; of course… we all know this. However, executing your path to health plan does not come without bumps in the road. We all have cravings for something oh-so-bad for us, but when we do, there really is no need to panic as long as we try to keep the following “craving limiting strategies” in mind. Eat just a little Of your favorite foods! Every day! Yes, you read that right. By actually giving in to the foods you enjoy most every single day you will find it much easier to portion and limit the amount … Continue reading

Green Tea Linked to Reduced Mortality

A study with Japanese adults suggests that those people who consume larger amounts of green tea have lower risks of death. This includes cardiovascular disease, and all other causes except cancer. This is good news, considering that tea is almost as popular a beverage as water. The world consumes about three billion kilograms of tea in total, but this includes all types of tea. Considering tea is so popular world wide, advertising these benefits could result in some significant health care savings on a global scale. Green tea has been studied extensively in vitro and in animal studies, but the … Continue reading

Protect your Hair from Damage

Your hair frames your face, and although it may be hard to find the perfect style for you, it does not have to be difficult to protect your hair from damage. Any great style starts with healthy hair, and with these low effort strategies your hair can easily withstand summer, and year round, damage. Sun Damage 85% of women color treat their hair. This means your hair is already depleted before it hits the sun, making it easier for it to dry out and for you to be stuck with a head of “straw”, or a hat head. The easiest … Continue reading

Rosacea: Causes and Symptoms

Many adults who suffer from adult acne have rosacea to blame for it. This is a skin disease causing redness, pimples and red lines on your nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. Rosacea often also causes rash-like symptoms on these same areas. Some people experience break-outs from it, and therefore is often referred to as “adult acne”. The condition can also cause burning and irritation in the eyes or around the eyelids. Rosacea can be controlled and treated with medication, but when it is left untreated it just gets worse. Basically, the root cause of Rosacea is not yet known. There … Continue reading

BMI does not predict risk of Heart Disease

While obesity is known to cause a variety of medical problems, one of which being heart disease, the popular way of determining obesity may not be useful when trying to predict your risk from Heart Disease. Turns out the Body Mass Index (BMI) is not a good predictor or heart disease, even though it does indicate whether or not you are overweight. The BMI is a calculation based on your weight and height ratio. New research has given some surprising results; the subjects with the lowest BMI were the ones with a higher death rate, from both heart disease and … Continue reading