Deli Meats are Diet Food

“Are sandwich meats okay on a diet? I mainly eat turkey slices for lunch.” Meat good. Meat make man happy. Seriously though, I always recommend that dieters eat meat. Meat has a way of triggering chemicals in the brain that help us to feel satisfied. Most of us could eat lettuce all day long and never feel satisfied but add a few slices of lean meat and you can walk away from a single salad and feel like you actually ate something. Low calorie dieters especially need to include protein as it helps to spare muscle tissue when the body … Continue reading

Eggs for Breakfast Every Day?

“I hear what you’re saying about protein and I do feel great when I have eggs for breakfast on the weekends but I just don’t have the time to make eggs during the week. Any suggestions?” Ah, eggs. These are just the most magical protein in my opinion. They are inexpensive, filling, low in calories, tasty and easily prepared. Did you know that you can prepare eggs in advance and freeze or refrigerate them? Yes, you can! You can prepare omelets ahead of time and place them in a microwave-safe plastic container so you can just pack them in your … Continue reading

Not Carrot & Celery Sticks Again!

“I’m so sick of carrots and celery sticks! Give me something else I can snack on!” If you’re snacking on carrots and celery sticks, you are probably doing so because you want a very low calorie, high fiber snack. Bearing that in mind, here are a few suggestions: Try mixing things up with fresh broccoli, cauliflower and grape tomatoes. These are all high in fiber, satisfy the need to chew and have distinct flavors. Try snacking on nuts or seeds. These contain healthy oils, lots of fiber and protein to satisfy and/or stave off hunger. Just remember to be mindful … Continue reading

Free Day or Binge Day?

“I’m following Body-for-Life. On the binge day am I able to go out and drink and can I literally eat anything?” First of all, calling your “Free Day” a “Binge Day” is looking at this in a very unhealthy way. If you call it a “Binge Day”, you may very well be encouraging yourself to start some very unhealthy eating habits, eat when you aren’t hungry or eat when you really have no physical desire to do so. Words have meaning for us. The word “Free” has a much more positive connotation. It is more like giving yourself a free … Continue reading

Diet Benefits of Avocado

“I love avocados and can get them really inexpensively. Is it OK to eat them when dieting or will the fat in them make me fat?” First, here is the nutrition information for an average avocado: One medium avocado has 276 calories, 27.6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.3 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of protein. Now before you take a look at the calories and fat content and run away screaming, know that avocados can actually be a very nutritious and helpful part of a balanced weight loss program. The monounsaturated fat in an avocado speeds … Continue reading

Flavored Water and Weight Loss

“You keep telling people to drink lots of water. I can’t stand plain water and I don’t want to buy expensive flavored waters. Any suggestions?” There are several ways to give your water a touch of flavor without adding lots of sugar and calories. If you don’t want to spend money on beverage mixes like Crystal Light or South Beach Diet, here are some low calorie, high flavor options to explore: Lemon or Lime I don’t know about you but I always have a bottle each of RealLemon Lemon and Lime Juice in the refrigerator. If you want to add … Continue reading

We Need Sodium

“Everybody says to stay away from salt but in your blog about water flavorings you said sodium is good. What are you talking about?” Yes, it is a good idea to stay well away from salty foods and added table salt when you’re trying to lose weight. First of all, too much sodium will cause you to retain more water than you’d likely care to. Secondly, salty foods just generally tend to be bad for the diet. I’m not talking about beverages with sodium in them. I’m talking about the traditionally salty foods like potato chips, French fries, fried fish … Continue reading

Quality vs Quantity Exercise

“I’m following a good diet and working out all the time. I’m exercising for an hour every day on a treadmill but I’m not losing weight. What’s up?” I don’t know what your diet consists of, but my guess is that you’re suffering from a case of quantity versus quality. There are so many people out there who believe that more is better when it comes to exercise and that just isn’t the case. What if I told you that you could cut your exercise down to 20 minutes a day, or even 20 minutes every other day, and you’d … Continue reading

The Need for Vitamins

“If I’m eating right do I really need to worry about taking extra vitamins. I eat from all four food groups just like I should so I shouldn’t need supplements, right?” There are two schools of thought on this topic. You have the die hard granola crunchers who will say that you can get every nutrient you need just by eating right. Then there are the people like me who believe that the foods you get in the average grocery store just don’t have it all. We’re both right. The Birkenstock-wearing, granola crunchers are right if you eat three perfectly … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50 is Not the Magic Pill

After nearly 20 days of using Akavar 20/50, the diet pill that tells you to “eat all you want and still lose weight”, I have determined that it is not the magic pill its makers would like us all to believe it is. I know why I’m not losing weight. I have not had a decent uninterrupted eight hours of sleep in a single night in weeks. Because of that, my body has slipped into a pre-diabetic state where I crave starchy carbohydrates in order to keep my energy levels up. Even using Akavar 20/50 hasn’t helped that. One thing … Continue reading