About Liz Pickett

Liz is a professional labor support and postpartum doula. She is co-founder of Gentle Care Doula Service. As the mother of four children, Liz is an advocate of the style of attachment parenting. She also is a distributor of Over the Shoulder Baby Holder baby slings. She lives and works in the mid-hudson valley, New York.

Getting Sick During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you are usually very careful to stay healthy. You eat right and exercise. You may even be taking copious amounts of vitamins and supplements. These things are all great to do during your pregnancy. Unfortunately, these are all as useful as a boat without a paddle if you are facing a virus or a viral infection. There is no treatment for a virus. The only thing that you can do is to treat the symptoms with decongestants and cold medicine that may contain ingredients that cannot be taken during your pregnancy. The good news is, you … Continue reading

The Blessingway

Most lucky ladies that are having a baby get to partake in a fun filled afternoon with their closest female friends and relatives at some time late in their pregnancy. They will shower her with gifts for her new baby. They may even play some games like, “baby shower bingo” and my personal favorite, “guess how big her belly is by using this roll of toilet paper.” This is known as, the baby shower. A new ritual that seems to be gaining momentum is called a blessingway. It is focused more on the mother and less on the baby. During … Continue reading

Unintentional Homebirth

You may have an idea of how your ideal birth is supposed to go. You may have even drafted a birth plan and distributed it to your birth team. Sometimes, how you envision your birth experience may not always play out exactly how you plan it. As a labor support doula, my job is to support the laboring mother through her entire labor and delivery. I am usually hired by my clients a few months in advance so that I can go over exactly how they would like to see their birth unfold. I ask the usual questions like, “How … Continue reading