Making Deployments a Little Easier

There have been some great developments lately when it comes to deployments. While none of us are very fond of the time away, we do like to hear about things that’ll make the transition a little bit easier. Have you ever gone through deployment? If you have then you know all too well what it means to have a loved one away and how crazy you feel during this time. You also know how the kids and any other close family feels. Do you know of any tricks that can help those that have never gone through this? If you … Continue reading

What is too Far in the Military?

This entry was going to start off on new developments of those deployed, but after reading an article I can’t help but feel compelled to write about it. I know many won’t agree with my thoughts but we all have our own opinion right? I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way. How many of you have watched a movie with your spouse or even a television show that portrayed a service member? I’m sure at least once if not many more times. What about the flaws you were sure to have seen or just the fact … Continue reading

Where did all the teenagers go?

I’ve noticed a difference between life in the military as a child and as an adult. The biggest one has been the appearance of children. I’m not meaning the way they are dressed or how their hair is cut, but I’m talking about how many are around and just where did all the teenagers go? As a child growing up on a military base we had quite a few hang-outs, one was a hill on the base, another the parks and of course the Shoppette. Why is it that when I drive through housing I never can see a single … Continue reading

The Good Thing… Military Hospitals

I must say that sometimes being in the military really pays off. I mean what other type of job is going to allow you to have children without having to foot some large hospital bill. Plus, when something goes wrong or you need to take a trip to ER you can do it without worrying about if you have the money. I tend to know my children are getting sick right before any REAL symptoms occur, which normally means having to go back a week later and telling the doctor once again. Ouch, I can only imagine how expensive this … Continue reading

Fun Crafts for Kids During Deployment

As this year begins there are thousands of families that will be split up by deployment. No, I’m not meaning divorce, but it is a time that families aren’t together. Some only seperated by states while others are seperated by countires. This is a very trying time for families, you miss each other terribly, children will have 100 questions that they ask every week and miss mommy/daddy even more. What types of things can you do for your child to make this transition a little bit easier? A few ideas I’ve tried and read about will be in these entries … Continue reading

What is L.I.N.K.S.?

LINKS What is L.I.N.K.S.? I’m sure by now that you’ve heard of LINKS, whether you paid attention or not is another thing. Many hear it and think nothing of it, others just think it is some wives club but only a small amount will go out and find out what it is. So, I’ve figured I’d bring LINKS to you, okay well I’m not actually bringing it to you. First, L.I.N.K.S. is a great class for you to take if you are about to marry someone in the military or are newly married. This is a class taught by other … Continue reading

What’s the #1 Card for a Military Child?

I’m giving birth in less than three months, however that isn’t the big day that my 9 year old is counting down for. Can you guess what it is and why? It’s his birthday, that’s right the baby is due the same month my son turns 10. For most people age 10 may be celebrated because a child has finally reached the double digits but that isn’t the only reason a military child is excited about age 10. My son is counting down to his birthday because that is the day he will be getting an ID card, which is … Continue reading

When to Shop

I have something to confess to my readers. Ready to hear it? I swear you are not going to believe this but it is true. I hate to shop, that’s right I hate it. I can’t stand going into crowded places. I hate it so much that it gets me into some type of panic mode, by the end of it I’m getting the shakes and really dizzy that I need a soda. Ever happen to you? Well, as you can imagine, I don’t like to shop which means the hubby does most of it for me. Over the years … Continue reading

What is a Key Volunteer?

I’m sure by now you are probably wondering what a Key Volunteer is. Am I right? I remember when I told my sister that I was taking a class on being a key volunteer, she had no clue what I meant but explaining it was easy. At least to me it was, which doesn’t mean she really knows what I do today. Okay first, I’ve been married to my Marine for the past 10 years but it wasn’t until two years ago that I decided to join the Key Volunteer Network. At first I just didn’t want to do it, … Continue reading

What a Care Package Means to a Military Family

I wanted to share a few stories on a few people that volunteered to help put a smile on my husband’s face when he was in Iraq. While he was over in Iraq he did have me and the kids to send him packages and a few from other relatives but I heard he wasn’t getting them very often. This got me to thinking, with the internet and all the groups I was in why couldn’t I just ask a few friends if they wouldn’t mind sending him a small care package or letter. Someone beat me to this though, … Continue reading