Book List for Military Wives During the Holidays

Planning on getting a military book for a female that you may know? Here is our top 5 picks and a short review of each one. Books not only making great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers but they are perfect to just give someone you know just getting in. Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul: Stories to Touch the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul) by Jack Canfield Ever read a Chicken Soup book? If you have, you’ll know that they are compiled full of short stories, in this case they are short stories written … Continue reading

Gifts for a Military Wife who’s Spouse is Deployed

Every year I hear the same question, “What can I get a military wife, who’s husband is deployed?” This year, I decided maybe I could make a list and hope for the best. With the holiday season on us, many are trying to find that perfect gift to give each other. The deployed spouse is normally always covered, however not always is the wife of the deployed spouse. Here is a list of 5 simple things you can actually do or get for her, without having to spend that much money. Remember, giving a gift always makes someone feel special. … Continue reading

Movies on Base vs. Out in Town

Many families will be hitting up the movies theaters this holiday season. For two reasons, one the kids will be out of school for next three weeks and have nothing else to do. Two, families tend to watch at least one movie in a theater during the holiday season. Maybe it’s to become a family once again since throughout the year you’ve been busy with work and school. Either way it works for everyone, kids enjoy watching movies and getting the snacks and the parents family. This brings one question for those military families. Will you watch the movie at … Continue reading

Gift Ideas for Military Children

It’s Christmas time and you know you need to find that special gift for your military child. But what do you get? Being in the military means, dealing with deployment and having to figure out some great ways to keep your children feeling secure about where daddy is and keeping them close. This isn’t always an easy task, but I’ve listed a few things I’ve done that would make great holiday gifts. Daddy Dolls- Okay, this isn’t something I can make and thank goodness there is actually a company that makes them. What are they? My husband wouldn’t be caught … Continue reading

Childcare Available or Is it?

I’ve always heard that childcare in the military can be a nightmare. Why is that? No, the people aren’t bad, it’s just a popular place. Popular meaning, it is always booked up and hard to use when you really need it. This week I experienced this first hand. Have you ever tried signing up for the childcare service available on the base? If you have then chances are you’ve dealt with hearing they are all booked up. Don’t even attempt dropping them off at the drop in daycare because that too is booked. In the past I have needed to … Continue reading

Christmas…Military Style

December is all about the Christmas Season, and you know it’s Christmas season in the military when you go to the post office and have to stand outside because all the wives are waiting in line to mail those Christmas packages to their spouses. What I didn’t tell you is you’ll be noticing this the last week of November, not the first week of December like most people believe. Of course, you can attempt to send a package off to another country the first week of December but this doesn’t mean that they’ll get it in time for Christmas. If … Continue reading

An Air Force Brat, A Marine Corps Wife…

I’ve sat here staring at a blinking mouse trying to decide how to start off this military blog. Finally, I decided you’d probably want to know exactly who I am and why I thought I might have something to say. So, here goes. I’m Elizajane202 and military has been my entire life, first as an Air Force Brat until my father retired and then I married my Marine. Trust me I’ve heard all those jokes between the AF and USMC, it has become quite common that whenever there is a family gathering someone must come up with the best joke. … Continue reading