About Lyn Newton

Lyn is a kindergarten teacher and mommy to a girl and a boy. In her spare time, she enjoys informative and creative writing.

Tips for Teachers on Dealing with Students

Teaching and parenting go hand in hand. Teacher skills are very inclusive of parenting skills. Therefore in many cases, teachers must think like parents. There are some key ideas that both teachers and parents can use when concerning children. Check out some of them below and see if you agree or disagree. Children do have a reason for what they do. At some point in time it may see to teachers that students act up simply to make the teacher’s life miserable (especially if you teacher middle school). However this is typically not the case. Even though you may not … Continue reading

Pros of Living Together

Everyone probably knows a couple that is living together. That is they are a romantically involved couple who is not married but lives in the same house. More and more couples are now living together for a time before getting married or living together and never getting married or living together and then splitting up. Moving in together is a very big decision for some couples and a very quick and easy decision for some couples. Some partners have lived with two or more mates in their lifetime. Others feel that moving in together is a more serious commitment. So … Continue reading

When Your Child Makes Bad Grades…

Many parents worry about their child’s progress in school. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children are getting the education that they need to succeed in life. Part of this responsibility includes keeping track of grades. Many parents will ask teachers for grade updates through progress reports. In some cases, children may get upset about their parents intense involvement in their education. Some children even change their grades or lie to parents when they receive bad grades. In most cases, it is very ineffective to punish children for getting bad grades in school. Doing so typically only … Continue reading

A Final Question

I had previously started talking about how it may be a hard decision to determine whether or not the person that you are dating is right for you. I have also discussed how many times there are hints, clues, and signs that a relationship will fail. My last article began giving some questions that you can ask yourself about your mate. If you truly answer the questions in an honest manner you should have your answer about whether or not to put more effort into your relationship. The first two questions dealt with children and having children with the person. … Continue reading

Questions to Ask Yourself

In most cases people have a gut instinct on whether or not they are meant to be with their partner. However, fewer people cat on this instinct. Some feel obligated to the relationship because they have already invested time into it. Others fear that their instinct may be wrong so they tough it out instead of being alone. Knowing whether or not to put more effort into a relationship or simply just get out of it altogether can be a tough decision for some. I was recently reading a book about relationships in which I came across a neat little … Continue reading

Warning Signs

In many cases when something goes wrong in your life you begin to look back and clearly see that you should have known that it was all coming. Many will say that hindsight is 20/20, and it is. It is the same as when you watch those horror movies and you yell out because the person should be able to tell that danger was near. In many wrong relationships there are warning signs of failure. However, most people are too blinded by the hopes of a good relationship to see the signs of failure and warning. Below are some common … Continue reading

Tips for Taking Tests

One of the most dreaded tasks that a student may ever do in school is take a test. Taking a test can be make some students very nervous and anxious. Some students completely freeze up when they are given a test to complete. Some students even take courses on how to perform better on tests. While every person is different when it comes to test taking, there are some things that students can do to help reduce test anxiety and help increase test scores. When you first enter a college course, you often will be given a syllabus. Within it … Continue reading

Feeling Pressure to be in a Relationship

Society places all different types of pressures on its members. There are social pressures, academics pressures, material pressures, and even relationship pressures. In some cases, these pressures tend to overcome a person’s good sense of reasoning. The pressures become so strong that one gives into them. This happens in many cases with relationship pressures. You may feel relationship pressure from society for many different reasons. If you have a group of friends in which all are married or part of a couple, you may feel pressure to also find someone for yourself. Age also can place a large amount of … Continue reading

More Love Myths

My last article had begun describing the top five myths about love in society. There are many opinions about love and relationships out there in our society. Some of the information and opinions may be helpful but others are simply myths. The first three myths were listed and discussed in the previous article. There are two more myths that many believe about love that simply are not true. Those two myths are discussed below. 4. If you have true love nothing else matters. Many believe that if they are in love then all in the world will be right or … Continue reading

Love Myths

There are many beliefs about love and relationships out there. There are love help experts, love help therapists, love help talk shows, love help books, and love help websites. With all of these ideas about love and relationships it is hard to know what to believe and who to trust. There are five major myths about love that society often falls for when it comes to relationships. Those five will be discussed below. 1. If it is true love, you will know it the moment that you meet one another. Love at first sight is not the only type of … Continue reading