About Lyn Newton

Lyn is a kindergarten teacher and mommy to a girl and a boy. In her spare time, she enjoys informative and creative writing.

Tips for Lengthy Assignments

My past couple of articles have focused on being a more effective student. I have been giving you some tips on how to better manage your studies and courses of work. In those articles I have looked at getting organized and setting priorities for yourself. I will now take a look into how to complete assignments. Many assignments in higher level education are lengthy. They require more time and effort than overnight would allow. Many teachers and professors assign work, papers, and projects that are not due for days or weeks. Some college professors give an assign on the first … Continue reading

Create Priorities

Recently I discussed how many students fall behind in college because of the lack of goals and plans and true study skills. One concept that enhances study skills and grades greatly is organization. In addition to getting organized there are other things that college and even high school students can do to increase their success in school. Older students have many other obligations and desired in their life besides schools. Many have family priorities and jobs. The key is to set priorities for the time that will be given to each need in your life. Studying and schoolwork must be … Continue reading

The Importance of Getting Organized

Many high school graduates will be heading off to their first semester of college before long. Many of those students are well grounded and have a strong hold on what they want in their future. However others do not. For that group of students who do not have a strong hold on their goals and dreams, college may take them for a whirl. Buckling down and studying and getting a grip on class work may be a little harder for these students. There are some things that students can do to enhance their success in college (and these tips will … Continue reading

Getting Your Students to Cooperate

As a teacher (and parent) it may seem that all you do is give orders, correct children, and hand out punishment. Carrying out activities such as the ones described above can cause a long and stressful day for any adult or child. If only there was a way to get the students to do what you want them to do without having to scold, yell, or pull out your hair! While there will always be defiant students who test your nerves, there are some ways that you can make your days a lot less stressful. Try some of the tips … Continue reading

Why Some Relationships Fail

There are many people out there that are dealing with a failed relationship. They are struggling with exactly what it was that went wrong. They cannot understand why they never saw the break up coming or why their mate seemed to change so much after marriage. If only we could see into the future, we may have perfect relationships. There are several reasons why relationships do not work. The main are either that you are with the wrong person or that you are wronging the relationship. If you are in a relationship with the wrong person then you and that … Continue reading

Did You Make the Right Choice?

No one ever said that love and relationships were easy. In fact they are right the opposite. Romantic relationships and love can be very complicated. They can be full of questions and excitement and regret. One of the most common questions that goes through the mind of mate (but never spoken in words) is “Did I make the right choice?” While many ask the same question, they come up with very different answers. Some ask and answer “yes” without a doubt. Others go back and forth on whether or not their spouse was the right choice. Some question themselves before … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: July 19 – July 25

Many schools are nearing the beginning of a new school year. The start of a new school year can be very fun and exciting for both teachers and students. As the school years nears continue to stop by and browse educational articles to help students, teachers, and parents. Saturday, July 19 Choosing the Right Television Shows for Your Child Most childhood research suggests that children should not watch too much television. However television shows are becoming more and more education for children. So when you do let your child watch TV, you can a little more confidence that he or … Continue reading

Issues with Discussing Feelings with Students

Previously I discussed how important it is to children that teachers and parents acknowledge their feelings. While it seems that it would be a very simple task to listen to and acknowledge a child’s feelings, many parents and teachers have trouble or questions about how to deal with the feelings of a child. Below are some common issues that teachers and parents may come across when facing the feelings of a child. Students will not open up about their feelings. When asked how they feel they do not answer or give a short answer. When asked out directly, many children … Continue reading

Acknowledging the Feelings of Students

Most adults want their feelings acknowledged. They want people to know and hear how they feel. However, most adults do not give children this same acknowledgement of feelings that they desire. The feelings of children are often passed off and casually dismissed as being insignificant. While many in society may not feel that the feelings of a child cannot make a difference in the world, the feelings of children should be acknowledged. Children’s feelings not only need to be acknowledged at home but also at school. Students are continuously expressing feelings to their teachers. They talk about how they feel … Continue reading

Differences in Lifestyles

Recently I have been discussing couples in which the mates have opposite personalities and thoughts. While there are sure to be some clashes along the way, these couples can have a very healthy and happy relationship. They simply ne dot learn how to communicate and relate to one another. The first difference that I discussed was in decision making. Some people make decisions with their minds and others with their hearts. Today I will take a look at the different views that some people take concerning their lifestyle. Some people live their life by a plan book. They want everything … Continue reading