Figuring Out The Settings

Oh golly!!! I thought I was overwhelmed with just looking at the options my Canon Power Shot S3IS offers. Now that I opened up the manual, my head is spinning. Well, instead of getting frustrated and annoyed, let’s just take this one step at a time. First, get those batteries in! Okay, I realize I don’t have to be that simplistic, but it is reassuring that I can complete this single task without having to read the manual! My camera comes with two different manuals. I’m assuming most cameras will do this. One is a basic user guide and the … Continue reading

First Digital Camera

Buying your first digital camera can be quite an overwhelming task. It definitely was for me. Deciding between SLR (single-lens reflex) or a point and shoot was (and still is) the hardest choice I had to make. I would love to be a professional photographer some day, but currently, with my two young daughters, I also wanted something that was quick and easy. With an SLR, you can take some amazing photos and really delve deep into your photography. With all the lens options and manual options, you can take the time to develop your own unique style. Time was … Continue reading