About Lisa Mabey

Lisa Mabey is a writer/project manager for a stamping and scrapbooking company in Utah. She has enjoyed writing articles for the monthly in-house magazines. Lisa loves experimenting with photography, paper crafting, and spending time with family. She and her husband are currently expecting their first child.

A New Little Model

I’ve taken an unusually large amount of photos recently. You see, I have a brand new model to photograph, and I can’t help but want to capture her in all her newborn glory. And with all the funny little faces she’s pulling, it’s hard to stop taking photos even when you’ve got some good ones. Part of what makes taking these baby photos so satisfying is the nuances in her facial expressions. They change so quickly, and I don’t know that she even knows what emotions go with what faces, but as she learns to use the muscles in her … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Music and Dancing

Ahh, the memories of stake youth dances and the Book of Mormon distance between partners. Most of the time I didn’t have a particular boy I liked, so these dances were most often a time to go with my group of friends and have fun being silly and wearing funny clothes just for kicks. A bit nerdy, perhaps, but good clean fun. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet encourages youth (and adults alike) to choose good music and dancing for entertainment and to help you become closer to the Lord. Music is a fabulous way to share how you … Continue reading

Digital Photography as a Time Waster

I read somewhere recently that although we love our digital cameras, they’re a time waster. I hadn’t thought much about it before, but once I read that, I had to stop and think. I do spend more time with my photos now than I used to. In addition to the additional time we place in taking photos (since there’s no limit I am guilty of taking many more shots and trying to decide whether they’re any good right on the spot), we also spend more time behind the camera instead of getting into the action. Additionally, there’s the time it … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Entertainment and the Media

The Thirteenth Article of Faith states that we seek after “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy.” Basically, we want to be culturally aware and find good things to watch, listen to, and attend. As the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet states, Satan uses some entertainment to dull our spirits and make us think that “what is wrong and evil look[s] normal and exciting.” These days you have to wade through all the junk on TV and the contorted messages portrayed through the media to find uplifting entertainment. But knowing your own personal values and standards (like … Continue reading

Father’s Day Sale at Shutterfly

I know you’re probably aware that Father’s Day is coming up quickly (June 20, if you don’t already know), and it’s always fun to do something special for your favorite guy. Dads are great because they do so much for you over the years and always support you no matter what you attempt. So why not make Dad something one-of-a-kind for Father’s Day this year? I’m talking about photo gifts. I talked about making them for Mother’s Day as well, but this time there’s an incentive—it’s a sale! For those of you who are frugal and love a sale (like … Continue reading

Resizing Photos for the Web

If you have a blog, post to photo sites, or do much on the web these days, you’ve no doubt run into the need to resize a photo for the web. In fact, you may have thought about doing it to add a picture to your Families.com profile. But if you aren’t sure how to do it, you may have just skipped that part. Resizing a photo for the web is similar to resizing one for e-mail, just with a few tweaks. The purpose may also be a little different, since photos on the web are generally not going to … Continue reading

Resizing Photos for E-mailing

E-mailing photos is a great way to share your memories and the fun things that happen in your life. You’ve no doubt at least wanted to share a digital print if you shoot with a digital camera. But have you felt a little intimidated by getting the files the correct size? If so, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Below are some practical things to remember and try when resizing your digital files so they’re ready to e-mail to all your loved ones! The first thing to remember is that most digital cameras these days take pretty large photos. There are … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Dress and Appearance

As LDS men and women, our attitude toward our bodies is different than many peoples’. We believe that our bodies are sacred—even temples—given to us as a gift from God. How we choose to clothe and take care of our bodies through our dress standards is an outer expression of our devotion to God and our respect for His gift to us. Dress standards are important in youth, but they’re just as important in adulthood. Modesty in dress is not antiquated or outdated, nor does it make you seem odd. The pamphlet outlines that immodest clothing includes: short shorts and … Continue reading

Photo Books: Pros and Cons

In creating photo books over the last couple of years, I’ve used several services (such as Snapfish and Shutterfly) to create and print. I’ll talk about each of these services and a couple of others in a later post, but for now, here are some of the pros and cons I have found with photo book services in general. Pros * When you’re done you have a nice compact book of your photos. * Most services that I’ve tried feature nice printing that lives up to expectations. * You can choose your size, cover, and layout to customize your book … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Family

The opening statement in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet on Family states that “being part of a family is a great blessing.” Some of the benefits listed for being part of a family include companionship and happiness, a loving atmosphere, and a place of preparation for eternal life. Family is one of my most amazing blessings in life. I am amazed at how much I have learned and continue to learn from my family. I have four sisters and two brothers along with fabulous parents who have all taught me valuable lessons throughout the years. And they’ve become … Continue reading