The Price of Freedom

I stood in the sun watching a crowd gathered around a stone. Tears gathered in the eyes of all as white-gloved hands formed one last salute. Taps played in the background while the sound of 21 guns filled the air. Three Blackhawk helicopters roared overhead bidding their final farewell. Her beautiful face will forever haunt me. This girl that I never met and yet, after hearing her story, it seemed as if I had known her always. Nineteen and gone. Gone to be with her Lord when she had so much left to do. They told the story of a … Continue reading

Don’t Cut and Run Again

We were warned shortly after 9/11/2001 by the president himself that people would forget the shock and horror of those twin towers. Our politicians have apparently forgotten. Sen. John Kerry called for a full US troop withdrawal by the end of the year. Withdrawal is not the answer Sen. Kerry and all of you other politicians. Do any of you really believe the fragile Iraqi government would not collapse if we left now? Then it would become an even worse den of terrorists. Why did you vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq only to quit when the going gets … Continue reading

Give Me Back My Big Toilet!

Dear Mr. President: Okay, I know President Clinton meant to conserve an important resource when he took away our big toilets, but there is one huge problem Mr. President. I have to flush the thing three times to get all the junk down the pipe. Before he left office, President Clinton signed many bills into law that would not affect his popularity. One of those laws requires that all toilets placed in new buildings and homes use no more than three gallons of water. (I actually think mine holds less than that.) This law was implemented to save water. It … Continue reading

Important Tricare Information for Reservists

If you or your soldier just returned from active duty, you have an important deadline that you do not want to miss. The Federal government authorized a 90-day extension on Tricare for reservists returning from duty without any premium charges. In addition, reservists are eligible for one year of coverage for every three months served on active duty. If you served 18 months, you would be eligible for six years of coverage. There is a price involved, but the benefits may be worth it for you and your family. As soldiers demobilize, they will complete necessary forms to select the … Continue reading

Reserve Education Assistance Program

If you read my last article about, you may have found helpful information for active duty personnel in obtaining help for college. Reservists have not been left out. The government just announced a new program called REAP (Reserve Education Assistance Program). This new program authorizes up to $28,000 in new educational benefits to National Guard and Reserve soldiers who served in the War on Terror or in a national emergency like Hurricane Katrina. REAP is contained in Chapter 1607 of the GI Bill. Administered by the VA, it may not be used with other VA educational benefits. To be … Continue reading

Wearing A Suit Again

For the past two years, I have basked in one joy—staying at home with my kids while my husband served in the Sandbox. At that time, I had a full time traditional job working as an executive assistant in a large insurance company. The job was very stable. Wearing a suit, or business casual, was a way of life. When my dear husband left for Iraq, I had planned to continue working because it was likely his full time temporary status job with the Guard would end when he came back. I had no idea that my kids were so … Continue reading

Going to College When You Are In the Army

Continuing with my theme of, I will start down the left side with the first button called “Education.” This is not the training provided by the military, but rather college education. Getting a college education is difficult for soldiers. Because you move around the world every few years or leave for a deployment, finishing college can be difficult at best. For some, they feel it is impossible and give up. has the Education link to help you search for schools that will help you finish your degree, or just get some training. One thing you may face as … Continue reading

An Army Wife Again

Nine years after he got out, my husband came home and informed me he was joining the National Guard. It would be a great addition to the income and it was, after all, only one weekend a month and two weeks per year. Until 9/11. In February of 2004, the 116th Cavalry Brigade was put on notice for deployment to Iraq. They left on June 10th and came back in November of 2005. Our community was wonderful in their welcome home and support. Lisa is right when she underlines the fact that military life of any kind is not for … Continue reading

An Army Wife

I just read Lisa’s blog about being a military wife. As I read about the trudge of many boots through her home, I was reminded of my own time as an active duty Army wife. My husband was stationed at Fort Drum, New York. It was June of 1990 when I first arrived and was informed by the DEERS rep (the office that hands out ID cards) that my marriage license was not right. They wanted a certified copy of the recorded document. It didn’t matter that I had the original signed and certified stamped document. A copy was superior. … Continue reading

Jobs Information for Military Spouses

During my time as an active duty wife, I ran into a problem that I am sure many of you experience today–trying to find a job. It was the early 90s, and the country was in the middle of a recession. To top it off, we lived in a very rural area outside Fort Drum, New York. Jobs were not plentiful. I found a few gigs at the local temporary agency, but had no success finding a permanent position. With the spread of the internet, more options are now available than ever before to spouses and significant others of military … Continue reading