About Michele Blandino

Michele Blandino is a freelance writer based in central New Jersey. She is also a wife, mother (Jennifer - age 9 and Michael - age 4), daughter, sister, scrapbooker, Girl Scout leader, active church member, school volunteer, occasional walker, and long-suffering Rutgers Scarlet Knight fan.

Finding Your Focus

I am always amazed at the number of people who say they want to make money “doing something on my computer” but don’t have the vaguest notion of what that “something” is. It is true that computers in general and the Internet in particular have done more for the at-home worker than any other innovation in recent memory, yet they certainly are not the only tools needed for a home-based business. It is easy to see the appeal of having a home-based business. Not having to worry about arranging for child care when your kids are sick or have time … Continue reading

Home Business Talk – An Introduction

Welcome! I’m glad you found my little slice of cyberspace. In case you’re wondering who “I” am, let me introduce myself. My name is Michele Blandino and I am from central New Jersey. I am a freelance writer and I work from home. I am also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, scrapbooker, Girl Scout leader, active church member, school volunteer, occasional walker, and long-suffering Rutgers Scarlet Knight fan. In short, I’m pretty busy! And chances are, I’m just like many of you (well, perhaps with the exception of the Scarlet Knight-fan part). I will be sharing this space with my … Continue reading