
Sometimes I hate to admit it, but I sleep with my baby, almost every night. My husband thinks I put Johnny into his own bassinet, and just bring him into our bed when he’s ready to nurse, but this isn’t always the case. Actually, it’s rarely the case. I like having him near to me. In reality, it lets me sleep better because I can hear him breathing and feel him moving. When he’s in his bassinet in the next room, I find myself waking up every hour or two to go check on him, making sure he’s alright. And … Continue reading

The Connection Between Sleep, Exercise, and Mental Health

I know my mental health has had its ups and downs, as I’m sure yours has too. So what do we do when we’re not at our best emotionally? When my mental self is not at its healthiest, most often I’m lacking in some basic areas, such as sleep and exercise. For me, these two things have a direct impact on my mental health. First, if I go for extended periods without enough sleep, I will soon be grouchy, agitated, and angry at the world. I tend to snap on people for no reason and have limited impulse control. But … Continue reading

My Last Baby

My husband and I thought that we were done having children after the birth of our two girls. We were using protection and had been discussing permanent options for quite awhile. Then, last March, a surprise came, or perhaps more to the point, it didn’t come. It took me quite a few days after I took the pregnancy test before I could even tell my husband, and when I did, it didn’t go well. But, the facts were the facts, and we were having another baby, whether we had planned on it or not. Throughout the whole pregnancy, I sort … Continue reading

Is It Post-Partum or Just Baby Blues?

After the births of my first two children, I had typical emotional responses. I felt overwhelmed, sleep deprived, stressed, but relatively normal, in the whole scope of things. But with the birth of Johnny, in November, things were a little different. First, I left the hospital too early. Johnny was born at 6:45 AM on a Friday, and they gave me the option of leaving on Saturday, after all, this wasn’t my first baby and I knew how to take care of a new baby and myself after delivery. I missed my girls, so I went home. I was not … Continue reading