Car Traveling Tips for Families

As I sat, once, 300 miles from home in my hotel room with three of my kids bouncing off the walls while I am trying to get some work done, I suddenly feel inspired to write a blog! Who knew I’d ever wish for some solid time in the car with the kids all strapped into place?! Anyone who says bribery is not your friend during a long car trip has never traveled with my kids! When they are bored, they don’t whine (very much) or throw fits (except the baby). They get loud and obnoxious and generally make me … Continue reading

The Healthy Tooth Diet

Most parents understand that sugar = cavities and understand the importance of teeth brushing when it comes to good dental health. But did you know that some types of desserts are healthier for teeth than your child’s lunchtime sandwich? It’s true! Cavities in teeth are caused when cavity-causing bacteria are fed by sugars and create acid which erodes tooth enamel. The more often the bacteria is fed, the higher the likelihood of tooth decay. It is pretty difficult and unhealthy for the rest of the body to avoid all sugars. There are healthy sugars – such as those found in … Continue reading

Step-Daughters With Uninvolved Mothers

“I do it all and my step-daughter never appreciates any of it.” “My step-daughter’s mom isn’t even in the picture but she still respects her more than me!” “My step-daughter seems to resent me even though I’m doing nothing but loving her with all of my heart!” “My step-daughter believes that her mom is going back for her some day despite the proof to the contrary.” “I took her shopping and all it did was make her depressed!” I can’t even count the number of times I have heard step-mothers repeat these phrases or variations on this theme. Being the … Continue reading

Jessica Simpson = Mother?

Strolling through the check-out aisle today, a headline caught my eye. I’m not usually big on celebrity gossip but I had to do a double-take. It can’t be true. The headline read: “Jessica Simpson plans to adopt a baby” Excuse me, what? This is Jessica “chicken of the sea” Simpson we’re talking about? You have got to be kidding me. Really now, this celebrity motherhood “fad” has gone off the deep end. Enough is enough. At 25 years old and separated from her husband, Nick Lachey, for only four months, rumors abound that Jessica is ready for a new person … Continue reading

Co-sleeping Makes Me Happy

This is a really silly title for a pretty mushy blog entry. Recently I asked the question, on a local parenting loop I moderate: “What aspect of your parenting style has had the most positive effect on your family?” Although I asked the question, I didn’t immediately have an answer, myself. After much contemplation, I realized that my answer is co-sleeping, the practice of sharing a “family bed” during a child’s infancy to promote healthy attachment and to ease the stress of night waking and simplify breastfeeding. I’ve long been a supporter of co-sleeping although I’ve only recently expanded my … Continue reading

Spanking or Hitting?

Spanking, slapping, swatting, hitting, beating. Is one better than another? Aren’t they all just the same variation on a theme? I’ve heard the arguments; I’ve listened to the justifications. I understand it is open to interpretation. Some parents think those words represent a huge spectrum of actions against the child ranging from the necessary to the abusive. Some parents see them all as the same. I’ve heard parents threaten their child with a “beating” or suggest “If you don’t stop right now, I’m gonna beat your butt,” or other even less pleasant threats. Whether they follow through or even intend … Continue reading

Intro to Geocaching 5: The Hunt

Now that you have found a local cache to search out and prepared for the trip, you are ready to head on out. You should be able to use your map or information from the cache clue to get you to the park, trail or general area of the hunt. Some cache clues provide specific details for parking so make sure you read the clue to see if there is a specific parking lot you should use. Once you get to your parking spot, fire up your GPS unit, if you haven’t already, and head on out. Continue to watch … Continue reading

Profile of a Mom: Britney Spears

Name: Britney Spears Age: 24 Claim To Fame: Spears is, these days, famous just for being famous in addition to her pop singer-related fame. She makes headlines for her music but, most recently, she is in the news for all the celebrity gossip trinity: love, pregnancy and baby news. Mommy Moment: Spears made headlines as a Mommy when she was caught by the paparazzi sneaking away in her car with her infant son on her lap. Spears has made millions off a combination of her talent and her beautiful-bimbo persona. The press and its readers love any peek into the … Continue reading

Intro to Geocaching 4: Preparing for the Hunt

Now that you have read the Overview, searched for a local cache, understand how to read the clue, you are ready to prepare to set out on your hunt! Preparation: There is just a little bit of pre-hunt preparation that needs to be done before you head out the door. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. First, check the weather. It is never fun to be caught out in bad weather in the middle of a long hike far from home! If the weather is questionable, double check that you have picked a hunt that does not have a long … Continue reading

Cutting the Cord

The common euphemism “cutting the cord” refers to the figurative severing of the sort of parenting associated with young children. When a parent stifle’s a child’s age appropriate freedom and, otherwise, doesn’t allow the child to grow toward independence, the parent is often advised to “cut the cord, already!”. Of course, literally, all baby’s umbilical cords are cut minutes after birth but the act of severing the cord, itself, often holds as much meaning for parents as the euphemism does. From the moment the cord is cut, the child is forever growing toward independence, a separate being forever more! While … Continue reading