Gospel Doctrine: Witnesses of the Resurrected Lord

Various witnesses who saw Jesus in His resurrected state. First among them were Mary Magdalene and other women who had come to the tomb to anoint His body for burial. Next were the Apostles of Christ. Their testimonies teach us of Christ, and we, in turn, bear our testimonies to teach others. In the beginning of the first three chapters we read for class this week – Matthew 28, Luke 24, and John 20 – we learn that several women ventured to the tomb to prepare Christ’s body. There, the find not their deceased friend Jesus, but two angels who … Continue reading

How to Help Your Teen Prepare For Seminary

Yesterday we talked about ways that you might unintentionally NOT help your teenager get ready for Seminary. Today, we’re going to look at positive ways to support them in their learning process. In yesterday’s blog, we discussed the fact that force has no place in the gospel. To truly have their decisions righteous, your teenager needs to make them because he wants to, not because you force them to. So how can you encourage your child without appearing too forceful? Here are just a few suggestions; I am sure that those of you with experience can add a few more. … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us

This week’s Gospel Doctrine lesson discusses the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we ponder this topic, I would first like to address what this significant event means to each and every one of us. Like the Atonement, the events that occurred on the first day of the week many years ago did not affect only the Savior. When He reunited His body and His spirit, He made it possible for each and every one of us to do so likewise. In 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, Jesus is called “the firstfruits” of those risen from the dead. Similarly, … Continue reading

(How Not to) Prepare for Seminary

Although the subject of Seminary seems to be a bit early for some, I know that in Georgia, school is started around the first week of August. So forgive me for intruding on our teens’ summer bliss, but I thought I’d share a few suggestions for getting ready for class. While the responsibility for Seminary attendance ultimately comes down to the student, there are things that parents can do to help. There are also things that parents can do that will not help. Let me give a few suggestions on things that parents can do that can impede the Seminary … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 8-14

This week in the LDS Family blog, we discussed a variety of topics, including agency, priorities, and service. Join us for a review! Gospel Doctrine Lessons: In “I Know Him Not,” we talked about Peter’s denial of the Savior, and how we, too, may be denying Him in our lives. In Release Barabbas, we discussed how many of the Jews chose worldliness over the Savior’s way. In “Thou That Destroyest The Temple…”, we considered the ironic words of those who scorned Christ before He died. And in Deathbed Repentance, we talked about the thieves hanging on the cross with the … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Deathbed Repentance

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood quotes in scripture comes in Luke 23:43. As Jesus hangs on the cross, a thief also hangs to his side, acknowledging that his punishment is just while the Savior has done no wrong. Jesus then answers, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” So many have taken to heart the possibility that a deathbed repentance will lead to eternal glory, but this is not so. According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the aforementioned phrase meant that the Savior and the thief would be in the world of spirits that very day. At … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “Thou That Destroyest the Temple…”

As the Savior was tried in court, and later as He hung on the cross, His persecutors mocked Him with His earlier words. “Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days,” they taunted, “Save thyself, and come down from the cross.” (Mark 15:29-30) Their choice of words was quite ironic. Earlier in His ministry, the Savior was asked to show a sign of His divinity. He responded, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) Note that He did not say that He would be the one to destroy the … Continue reading

RS/EQ: A Continuing Prosperity

President Kimball makes it very clear that the possession of wealth, money, and things is not, in and of itself evil. Describing the Nephites in their aforementioned cycle, he states, “Had the people used their wealth for good purposes they could have enjoyed a continuing prosperity.” It stands to reason, then, that the same should be true of us. If we make sure we use our blessings for the building up of the Lord’s kingdom, we will continue to prosper. (My initial thought, incidentally, was to state we will retain possession of our wealth. This is not always true, as … Continue reading

Top Ten Ways to Know You’re in a Small Branch

We recently moved out of a large ward into a tiny little branch. Granted, our old ward had a large number of young families, due to the fact that we were in close proximity of several colleges, but I never expected my son to make up half of his nursery class – and that’s junior and single nursery! Contrast that with the fact that our junior nursery had well over twenty kids by December, and you can tell that we are readjusting! With that in mind, I’ve come up with a great list of things to help you tell you’ve … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Release Barabbas

When Pontius told the Jews that he found no fault in Jesus, he sought to release the Savior as a free man. Instead, the angry mob insisted that the murderer, Barabbas, be instead released. When asked what to do with the Lord and Savior, the crowd cried out that He should be crucified. The Jewish people chose a man of the world over a man of God. When Pontius gave them a second chance, they cried out again for the convicted criminal rather than the man free of all sin. They embraced the world rather than the Lord. Repeatedly through … Continue reading