When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want To Adopt

In the Summer of 2005, I felt the pull to adopt a child. I am a Christian, and it was something I had prayed about and I believed that God had placed it on my heart. I approached my husband and my dreams were quickly halted. My husband didn’t want to adopt. He had a lot of good reasons why he didn’t want to adopt. He had dreamed of having a biological child – one that looked like the two of us. He wanted to enjoy a pregnancy with me – to hear the child’s heartbeat, to see on the … Continue reading

Should I Adopt? Part 1

Do you want to adopt? I think that the possibility crosses the minds of most people at one time or another. For some it is a fleeting thought that is quickly brushed aside, but for others, it is a tiny flame that begins to grow and flourish and soon becomes a passion that is difficult to ignore. When an individual or a couple decides that they are interested in adoption, there are thousands of questions that pop into their heads. One of the most common is the question of whether this is right for them and if they should adopt. … Continue reading

When You Both Work

My husband and I both work full time outside the home. While it is now pretty common for both the husband and wife to work, it is still a pretty new phenomenon when you look at it from a historical perspective. What I have found is that no one really teaches you how to do this. How do you balance work and home life? How do you get things done around the house? How do you keep work from overwhelming your personal life? I really feel like there should be a sort of beginner’s manual for married couples who both … Continue reading

Kinds of Part Time Jobs – Part 2

Here are more part time jobs that you might want to consider: Waiting Tables This job involves taking orders from customers, bringing them their meal and meeting their needs while they are at the restaurant. Your hours will likely be in the evenings because this is when the restaurants have the most traffic. However, lunch or breakfast shifts may be open depending on the restaurant. Pros: •Opportunity to interact with people •You are usually very busy your entire shift, which helps to make the time pass quickly •You receive tips nightly, which provides immediate cash-in-hand Cons: •You have to work … Continue reading

Kinds of Part Time Jobs – Part 1

When you decide to take a part time job, it can be overwhelming when you first start out. There are so many places that you could apply, but you also wonder if they are hiring and if it would be a good place to work. Below, I have outlined several of the most common (and easiest to find) part time jobs along with their pros and cons. Pizza Delivery With this type of job, you would work for a pizza franchise delivering pizzas to customers and possibly also helping to make the pizzas or doing other tasks around the restaurant. … Continue reading

Will a Part Time Job Work For Your Family?

When you decide to take on a part time job, it definitely will have an impact on your family life. In the two most common scenarios either the stay at home parent will now be working outside the home or one or both of the parents who currently work will be working two jobs. When considering taking on a part time job, it is important to think about how it will affect your family’s schedule. You need to decide if the benefit that comes from the extra money outweighs the loss of family time or flexibility. Here are the pros … Continue reading

Why Get a Part Time Job?

There are a lot of reasons that a part time job is a good idea. The next few blogs will discuss part time jobs, where to find them and how to make them work for you. First of all, you need to decide if a part time job is going to be the best thing for you and your family. People approach part time employment from many different situations, but often they decide that this employment is the best thing for them. Here are a few of the main reasons that people consider part time employment: Stay At Home Moms/Dads … Continue reading

Getting Past the Cost of International Adoption

When a couple decides to consider international adoption, one of the first things they ask about is the cost. The answer they get is pretty discouraging. The average international adoption costs somewhere between $25,000 – $40,000 according to surveys. That’s a lot of money. It’s a scary amount of money. For the typical family, it seems impossible. Many families look at the cost to adopt internationally and quickly decide they can’t adopt. However, that is just not the case. Adoption is an option for families of all income levels. Many of these families go on to adopt two or three … Continue reading

Homestudies Really Aren’t That Bad

I was really worried about our first international adoption homestudy. I was so scared that we wouldn’t “pass” and that our dreams of adopting would be out the window. I really stressed about it. We cleaned our house from top to bottom – all of the closets, the refrigerator, etc. We put child-proof locks on all of the cabinets. Our house was perfect. As it turned out, we worried way too much. I think the social worker took a grand total of two minutes to look around our house. He didn’t open any closets. He didn’t open the refrigerator. He … Continue reading

More Answers to Interview Questions Part 1

This is a continuation of the interview questions series from last month. As I have stated before, it is important to practice the questions that you may encounter in an interview. That way, you can work out the kinks and you also can decide how you are going to handle any difficult issues. Here are more of the questions you may encounter in an interview: Have you ever been fired from a job or asked to resign? If you have been fired or asked to resign, then you need to disclose it. Your potential employer might find out some other … Continue reading