VP Picks, Judgement, and “Cronyism”

The other day, Pattie wrote an excellent article asking about whether or not the candidates’ choice for Vice President demonstrated the type of judgment we’ll see for their future political picks. I think it’s a valid question and one that should be explored further. The Pitbull with Lipstick One of the reasons I’ve heard for not voting for McCain is that vice presidential pick of his. It appears that she was chosen simply for being a conservative Christian woman that could at the very least appease the conservative right base of the Republican party. No doubt she doesn’t interview well … Continue reading

Cooler Than the Jonas Brothers?

Last Friday at four o‘clock in the morning, my husband and I dragged all five of our children out of bed and went down to Bryant park in New York City to see the one. . .the only. . .the incredible. . . JONAS BROTHERS!!!!! Yes, even my three year old twins can sing a very unique version of S.O.S. and my son thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced bread because after all, they are home schooled. My five year old knows all the words to Camp Rock and well–what can I say? My spouse and I know … Continue reading

Who Makes More Sense on Iraq?

Barack Obama held his first press conference today in Amman, Jordan in which he acknowledged that he has some differences with General Paetreus in terms of the Iraq timeline for withdrawal. The Popular Message of Barack Obama I don’t think that I’m pointing out something new by saying that in general, the consensus of the American people is that we need to start pulling out of Iraq. (In fact, I dare say some would argue we should’ve been pulling out of Iraq a long time ago.) I personally think that this is one reason that Obama is so popular and … Continue reading

Politicians and the Media Coverage Game

Obama is in Iraq. McCain is at the Yankees game. Obama is talking to world leaders. McCain is having a party for his good buddy Mitt Romney. This is the media coverage of McCain over the past few days. Now all of the sudden, McCain’s campaign is claiming that Obama is the media darling. (But of course McCain didn’t say that because McCain and Obama never do the dirty work. Their aids said that.) McCain says that Obama being in Iraq right now does nothing to distract the media from his campaign. (I wonder what planet he’s on?) McCain’s Diabolical … Continue reading

Corn on the Cob

Summer time is my favorite time of year to be a food writer. The possibilities are endless and even the rising food prices barely touch my farm fresh produce. Corn on the cob is one of my favorite summer time indulgences. It reminds me of everything good about childhood and back yard barbecues–yes, it’s hard to believe that food can sometimes elicit such an emotional response in us. Over the years I have revamped my corn on the cob over and over again. Here are a few of my tips: Add Sugar to the Water This is a tip I … Continue reading

Recipes From Your Garden: Salsa

Some of you already know that we are moving next month. We are going from a large metropolitan area (read that to mean “inner city”) where we live in an apartment with no yard, to a tiny house with what seems to us to be a huge yard. (I suppose ‘huge’ is defined by your scale of reference. . .our yard is about three tenths of an acre but to folks who haven’t ever had a yard. . .it seems to go on infinitely.) In any case, for the first time in my adult life I am contemplating a garden. … Continue reading

McCain and His New Buddy Mitt

Not too long ago, they were trading jabs during the primaries. They are sharply divided on several issues and yet, McCain just held a social event at his ranch in Arizona in honor of the Romneys. Since the primaries, Romney has been a noted supporter and surrogate for McCain waxing eloquent on economics (something they sharply disagreed over during the primaries) as well as other issues. He is known as speaking well on McCain’s behalf. More importantly, Romney is the first name that has been seriously rumored as a potential Veep. Strange Bedfellows? It may seem strange to have fought … Continue reading

Obama Goes Abroad

Obama went abroad today, arriving in Afghanistan which is the first stop on a Middle East and European tour. This marks the first time the presidential hopeful has visited the Middle East during his campaign. The objective of this trip? To shore up his foreign policy objectives. Foreign Policy Foreign policy is Barack Obama’s weak point. At least McCain has fought in wars, and is involved enough in the military to ‘get it’. Or at least that’s what we think according to recent polls. While Obama leads in every other area of the election, he trails McCain on questions of … Continue reading

Hey New Yorker: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

If you have no idea what my title means then dare I say you have not been paying close enough attention. This week, The New Yorker published a cover cartoon that depicted Obama in Muslim garb and Michelle with a machine gun. Yes–it really did. I have to be honest and say that I can’t quite wrap my brain around that editorial decision. A Picture Really Is Worth a Thousand Words Imagery is far more valuable in communicating a message than what you actually say thus the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s why propaganda always has … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama on Getting Healthy Snacks Into Your Kids

I recently received the following question: Question: I can’t seem to get away from giving my kids junk when we’re on the go. It seems that we’re always running and that it’s easier to stop at McDonald’s than it is to make sure they all have a healthy snack. Even packaged snacks seem easier when we’re at home. Help?! You’re not the first mom to think this and I’m sure you won’t be the last. I have to admit that I don’t have any quick fix solutions for you. In my opinion, changing behavior always requires a change in attitude … Continue reading