Letting Kids Decorate Their Way

We all have different tastes when it comes to decorating. Getting a parent and a child to agree on how the child’s room should be decorated is sometimes difficult. I tried as much as possible to enlist Tyler’s input on how he wanted his room redecorated and some of his ideas were pretty wild. Before Katrina I was actually beginning the process of switching my office with Tyler’s room because it was the bigger bedroom. Although he was just four at the time, I knew he would soon need more space and since I needed to remove the wall of … Continue reading

Paying Kids to Help You

Now that Tyler is receiving his allowance and saving a large portion of it, he has a new appreciation for the power of the almighty dollar. As he sees his stash grow, he wants more. Not just his allowance but he also wants payment for services rendered. Take washing the car. One problem with being back in New Orleans is the preponderance of sawdust. Each time I leave my house after someone has been working, I leave with a thick coat of sawdust. And don’t even get me started on the bird poop! One day last week after I finished … Continue reading

Birthday Celebration- KISS

Tyler’s birthday is November 26. One of the first things he asked when he found out that we would be returning to New Orleans was, “Will we be in the house for my birthday?” At the time, I assured him that we would because I was being optimistic and hoped that things would move faster once we were back in town. Of course, this has not been the case but I still feel fortunate that I am closer to moving back into my house, while others are still trying to get started. One of the great things about young kids … Continue reading

Tips for Extended Hotel Stays

As I approach my first month back in New Orleans, Tyler and I are still living in a hotel but hopefully we will be leaving at the end of the month. No one wants to stay in a hotel with a young child for an extended period of time but if you have to here are a few things to keep in mind. Although this might sound silly, the first thing you need to do is ask the hotel if they offer weekly rates. If you call the company’s 1-800 number, they probably won’t offer this information freely. In fact, … Continue reading

UV Toothbrush Sanitizer

Parents concerned about the sanitary conditions inside their kids’ mouths may want to consider using the new UV Toothbrush Sanitizer. It reportedly kills 99% of germs and bacteria that can incubate on your toothbrush. According to a press release issued by Health Enterprises, makers of the toothbrush, the Sanitizer uses ultraviolet light to kill germs including E. coli, Salmonella and Streptococcus. The Sanitizer uses the same UV light technology commonly used to sanitize medical facilities. The Sanitizer can hold up to five toothbrushes, both manual and powered, is safe, effective and easy to use. It comes with an automatic shut-off … Continue reading

I Swore I Would Never Do This, But…

Before I became a mom, I swore that if I had kids I would never run all over town looking for things my kids needed and/or wanted. Then I became a mother and sure enough it seems like I find myself always running around getting stuff for Tyler. Take Sunday for instance. I spent the better part of the day searching for a New Orleans Saints shirt. This week is homecoming at Tyler’s school and each day they have to wear different clothes. Today, for example, they had to wear pajamas for Lazy Monday. Wednesday they have to wear a … Continue reading

A Father’s Influence

A curious thing has happened to my son. He has always been polite and basically well mannered. He remembers to say, “Please” and “Thank you.” But since our return to New Orleans, he has become quite the little gentleman. For starters, each day when I pick him up from school, the first thing he asks me is, “How was your day, mama?” then he actually listens to what I have to say! After I finish, he proceeds to tell me about his day as a first-grader. We’ve always talked but now we’re communicating. I have always felt that Tyler didn’t … Continue reading

Update: 8th Grader Who Shot Himself Dies

A sad ending to an earlier blog concerning the 8th grader who shot himself in the head on Monday. Unfortunately, he died at the hospital Tuesday where he had been on life support in the pediatric intensive care unit. His suicide came as a shock to his family, friends and teachers. Everyone described him as being easy going and happy-go-lucky. However, he obviously had planned to kill himself because he left a message on his myspace.com site. An avid sportsman, he played baseball, basketball and football. He came from a close and loving family, which is why the family is … Continue reading

Winter Safety Tips

I have lived in the south all of my life so I’m used to 80-degree temperatures in November and in some cases December. When Old Man Winter gets his horn and starts blowing, it’s usually somewhat of a surprise and many of us simply aren’t prepared for it. One day you’re wearing flip flops and a tank top and the next day you have to pull out your winter sweater. It’s not usual to have cold weather in the early morning and find yourself sweating by mid-day. We have had beautiful weather lately, short sleeves most days, but last night … Continue reading

Seeing Life Through the Eyes of a Child

Kids have a way of turning everything into an adventure. Parents can actually cut down on a lot of stress and frustration by adopting this way of looking at the world. As we finish our first week back in New Orleans I’m happy to be home, happy that the work is progressing but frustrated that I am still not in my house. On the other hand, Tyler views our stay at the hotel as an adventure. Sort of like an extended vacation, only at home. After all, he does not have to make his bed. He leaves it unmade in … Continue reading