How do you know when you are using too many coupons? Take a look at the following assessment to check.
Spending More than You Need
Coupons can be tempting. It is great when you can get items for half off. But, if you are purchasing more than you need or can use, you’ll wind up spending more instead of saving more. You can do this in a number of ways.
Coupons can tempt you to purchase a stockpile of products that will expire before you can use them. Coupons can also tempt you to buy products that your family doesn’t like or won’t use. While it is great to try new things, be careful how much of it you buy. Coupons can also lead you to purchase name brands when store brands cost less without the coupon. Be aware of these pitfalls.
Spending More Time Than the Worth of the Savings
Finding coupons and matching them up to sales can take some time. Usually this pays off, such as when you save $50 for a mere 30 minutes of couponing. But, you can also spend a ton of time for just a little bit of savings.
If you work at home or outside the home and have a salary or hourly rate, you can calculate how much your time is worth. If you could spend that couponing time doing something else for pay that you enjoy, then your time would probably be better spent there. If you don’t work for pay, you can still determine if the time you are spending is worth the savings. A good way to proceed is to put a cap on the amount of time you will spend on coupons, this way you can concentrate on the deals that will bring you the greatest savings.
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