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Babs to Sing for Barack

Long time Democrat Barbra Streisand will perform at a fund-raising event for presidential hopeful Barack Obama. The event will be held at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, which can hold up to 700 people, later this month. The evening will kick off with a dinner at the historic Greystone Mansion. If you would like to attend, you will need to cough up $28,500 per ticket. The event will be co-hosted by Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen and Andy Spahn, a political consultant.

(Photo Source Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection.)

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Barbra is backing Obama. She originally endorsed Hillary Clinton, but given her strong political views, which she has no qualms in expressing, I am sure she had no problem switching her loyalties to Barack Obama. When asked about the switch, she was quoted as saying “We were very lucky to finally have two capable, dynamic and intelligent candidates vying to be the nominee.” Barbra has said she would like to see Obama adapt Clinton’s universal healthcare policy.

As for John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, Barbra has said “We are not that stupid.” On her website, she wrote “I believe John McCain chose Gov. Palin because he truly believes that women who supported Hillary — an experienced, brilliant, life-long public servant — would vote for him because his Vice President has two x chromosomes. McCain’s selection of Governor Palin is a transparent and irresponsible decision all in the name of trying to win this election.” Hum, I thought it was a pretty shrewd move by McCain – no matter which side is elected, it will a historic election for America.

Now, if you are like me, you are probably tired of hearing celebrities spout off their political views. But, when asked about that, Barbra said, “I see myself first and foremost as a citizen of this country. And I am outspoken about the issues I care about like healthcare, global warming, the war in Iraq, energy independence, education, poverty and so on.

I guess I cannot argue with that.