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Baby Blog Month in Review: June 2008

June was my first official month posting for the Baby Blog. It has been a great experience. I love learning new things about babies and sharing it with friends. Of course, I could use your help. Whether you are a first-time mom or an experienced mom of a large family, I want to hear from you. Please share your advice, your questions and your comments. On which topics would you like to see more blogs? Meanwhile, take a look at all of the articles we had in June.

June 2nd

Introducing Babies to Birds

Perhaps it is the fact that my mother used to call me a Butterball turkey (I was a fat baby) or the many references to feathering one’s nest in preparation for a child or having a nesting instinct, but I have always seen an association between babies and birds. Both are delicate creatures that are tiny, cute and can make a lot of noise.

June 3rd

Girls Benefit Most from Breastfeeding

If you have a baby girl, it may be even more important that you breast feed than if you have a baby boy. Recent research investigated by John Hopkins Children’s Center reveals that girls may receive a greater benefit from the protective nature of breast milk than do boys, at least when it comes to one area of health.

June 4th

Co-Sleeping Versus Bed Sharing

Having a baby brings all sorts of controversial things into your life. Will you breast feed or bottle feed? Did you have a “natural” pregnancy or one with the help of pain medication. Do both parents work, or does one stay home? People have strong opinions on these topics. Then there are the sleeping arrangements. The decision on where your baby sleeps can not only be an issue of parenting choices, but one of safety as well.

June 5th

Dry Drowning and Water Safety

Summer is a fun time for babies and their parents, but there are lots of dangers, too. You may have heard the tragic story of a young boy who drowned hours after he left his first experience at a pool. The story was featured today on NBC’s Today show. Although this boy was 10, the danger of dry drowning most often occurs in younger children, very often in the bathtub. What is it and how can you protect your little ones?

June 6th

Staying Safe at a Theme Park

Keep your baby safe while you are visiting a theme park with the following tips.

June 9th

Baby Name Trends: Place Names

What are some of the trends that are affecting baby names this year? Can you find a name that is both popular and unique at the same time? The key to a great baby name is finding one that will stand the test of time, while still feeling that the name will still be recognized this century. Take a look at what is currently going on in popular baby naming.

June 10th

Guide to Baby Poop

Are you wondering what it means when you find something strange in your baby’s diaper? Here is the scoop on all of that poop.

June 11th

My Obsession with Baby Feet

Let’s face it, babies are cute even when they fill up their diapers. We all know that. But when it comes to baby feet, I am completely obsessed.

June 12th

What to Expect If Your Baby is Jaundiced

If your baby is diagnosed with jaundice, the news can be scary for you. Jaundice can range from mild to severe. If left untreated, mild cases may resolve themselves. Severe cases could lead to brain damage or even death. Fortunately, for babies, jaundice is very common, and doctors and hospitals are well aware of the signs and the treatment.

June 13th

Caregiver Danger Signs

Whether you are looking for full time care for your baby or just an occasional babysitter, here are some signs you can look for that may tell you that your caregiver isn’t right for you and your child.

June 16th

Baby Blog Week in Review: June 9th Through June 15th

Well, this past week was my very first week of blogging here in the Baby Blog. How did I do? If you missed the articles about breast feeding having a greater benefit for girls or what to expect if your baby is jaundiced, check them out now. Here is the Baby Blog week in review for June 9th through June 15th.

June 17th

Watch Out for Dirty Pagers

When you take your baby to the doctor for a sick or a well visit, you are probably very conscious of what you or your baby might touch, and the importance of washing your hands when you are in a germ-laden environment. You may even keep a close eye on your doctor or nurse to make sure that she or he washes hands before coming in the room and touching your baby. But there is news that says that doctor’s pagers may be hazardous to your baby’s health.

June 18th

Hospital Treatments for Croup

It is never fun when your baby is sick. Croup is one of those things that will probably affect your baby sometime in his or her young life. Most of the time, this illness can be treated at home, but it sometimes does require hospital treatment.

June 19th

Bottle Feeding Past 15 Months Linked to Iron Deficiency

If you bottle feed, you might be reluctant to take the bottle away from your baby. After all, it is sometimes easier and more comforting for the baby to have what she is used to, the bottle, instead of a cup. But, there is a good reason to get your baby on a cup from six to nine months of age. Recent studies have shown that toddlers who still use a bottle are at an increased risk for iron deficiency.

June 20th

Fluoride and Infants

When it comes to your infant, do you really need to worry about fluoride? The answer is a definite yes. Fluoride can protect budding teeth, but more importantly, too much fluoride can lead to a condition called fluorosis.

June 23rd

Baby Blog Week in Review: June 16th Through June 22nd

June 16th was a very special day for me. That is the day that my first baby was born. And while he is now an active seven-year-old with a younger brother and sister, I still remember the days when it was just the two of use together for most of the day, and I had so much to learn about babies. And now with my youngest still a baby, I find that there is still a lot to discover. I hope you will spend time with me and this blog, as we find out together.

June 24th

Household Swallowing Hazards

Babies have a tendency to put everything in their mouths. And while we, as parents, are diligent about baby proofing our homes, sometimes things get missed, such as a small toy from an older child, loose change that has fallen out of someone’s pocket, a stray piece of lint that looks particularly interesting, etc. While many of these objects may not be choking hazards, they still aren’t things you want you baby to ingest. Here are the most common household hazards that a baby might swallow and some information on whether or not you should start to panic.

June 25th

Tricking a Spouse Into Parenthood

What would you do when you found out that one spouse was trying to trick the other into becoming a parent?

June 26th

Emergency Baby Toys

What do you do when you don’t have any toys on hand to occupy your little one? Perhaps you dashed out of the door for a visit and forgot to bring along a few toys? Or maybe your baby has decided that she is bored with her toys at the exact moment that you need to make an important phone call or do your dinner prep.

June 30th

Baby Blog Week in Review: June 23rd Through June 29th

Having you been following along on the issue of tricking a spouse into parenthood? I’ll reveal what I did in my own situation and how it all turned out. If you missed that article or any other, you should check out this past week’s review.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com