If you had an October baby, congratulations! I hope that you will spend some time with us here at Families.com, as we bring you the latest news and tips for you and your family.
Here is the Baby Blog month in review for October.
October 1st
Insect Repellent and Young Children
Protecting my children is the number one priority, but one thing that I tend to avoid is insect repellent. I figure that putting additional chemicals on my kids is not the best idea, that is until now. These days, a mosquito bite is not just an annoyance, but it can also be the harbinger of serious illness, such as West Nile Virus.
October 2nd
Most parents want a unique name for their baby, one that will stand out from a crowd, or at least one that won’t have your child competing with five other kids with the same name. For our kids, we chose classic names that weren’t too popular at the time. Unfortunately, others must have had the same idea, since we keep coming across other little girls and boys with the same names. My youngest, Henry is the only exception, so far, although I have been told that the name is rising a bit in popularity due to Julia Roberts.
October 3rd
Using Infant or Children’s Tylenol May Increase the Risk for Asthma
When little ones have a fever or pain, the drug of choice is usually Tylenol, or acetaminophen. It does the job quickly and without the risk of Reyes Syndrome, a serious and sometimes fatal disease that can develop when a child is given aspirin for fever.
October 6th
Baby Blog Week in Review: September 29th Through October 5th
Here is the Baby Blog week in review for September 29th through October 5th.
October 7th
Fans May Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is an as yet unexplained phenomena that takes the lives of many babies each year. It is defined as the sudden death of a child under one year of age that cannot be explained. The highest risk of SIDS seems to take place between the ages of two and four months old, and as any parent who has checked their quiet child in the middle of the night knows, it is a scary possibility.
October 8th
Over the weekend, I stopped by a baby store looking for a Melissa & Doug wooden play food set for a Christmas gift. Although the store didn’t have what I wanted, I noticed that there was a woman in the store who was pregnant and already shopping for baby shoes. The baby wasn’t here, obviously, but this new mom wanted to be prepared.
October 9th
Scratch Painting with Preschoolers
Here is a great rainy day activity that you can do with your preschooler. Not only is it fun, but it can be educational, too. Preschoolers can be creative, practice letters and numbers and learn how to hold a pencil. Plus, you’ll have some great artwork to hang on the refrigerator or send to the grandparents.
October 13th
New Children’s Vitamin D Recommendation May Require Supplements
The American Academy of Pediatrics has a new recommendation for the amount of vitamin D for newborns, babies, kids and teens. Read on to learn more.
October 14th
Baby Blog Week in Review: October 6th Through October 12th
Has your little one discovered the joys of fall? My youngest two are especially proud of their little pumpkins that they picked out themselves this past weekend. Be sure to check out last week’s articles, and check back later for an important update to the whole BPA debate.
Three States Request Volunteer Ban of BPA in Baby Products
You gotta love Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware. In regard to protecting mothers and children, they have been doing a lot of progressive things, such as policies and laws on breast-feeding, maternity leave and more. And now, here they are again taking a proactive stance against the use of the chemical bisphenol A or BPA. This chemical has been linked to all sorts of health conditions in studies, from abnormal growth to heart disease. The Food & Drug Adminstration (FDA) has declared the chemical to be safe in these products, although they don’t seem confident in their conclusions. Critics say that the FDA is taking the cowards way out and doubt that their recommendation of the BPA products being safe is trustworthy.
October 15th
Does Your Preschooler Still Nap?
Do you hear that? It is the sound of the little kids taking naps, or should I say the lack of sound. The silence is so strange, after a morning filled with running and stomping feet, loud laughs and giggles, a few “he’s bothering me”s, and the thumpity-thumpity-thump of a basket of toys being turned over. Life with a preschooler is fun but they certainly keep you running, and when it comes to nap time, I think I need the break as much as my kids need the sleep.
October 16th
When you child wakes up in the middle of the night with a fever, do you automatically reach for the medication to make her feel better? Or maybe you were given a certain medication for your child at a sick visit. Here are some things to know to use medication safely.
More Ways to Use Medication Safely
When it comes to your child and medication, I really believe that you just can’t be too careful. Witness the young deaths as a result of using children’s cold medication. With some safety precautions, you can ensure that you child’s medication is safe and effective. If you missed the first post on this subject, click here: How to Use Medication Safely.
October 17th
You Tube: How to Swaddle Your Baby
Swaddling a baby is often used to comfort a newborn baby who is used to being in close surroundings and doesn’t quite know what to do with all of those arms and legs that seem to flail around.
October 18th
No one thinks going to the pediatrician is fun, whether it is for a sick visit or a well visit. If you are prepared, though, things can go a bit more smoothly, especially when it comes to your child getting shots. You’ll also be able to bring up topics of concern and get your questions answered, despite holding on to a squirming baby, toddler or preschooler.
October 20th
Baby Blog Week in Review: October 13th Through October 19th
October 22nd
Pediatricians are becoming concerned about children, and in particular those under the age of 12 months, being exposed to high levels of manganese. Here is what you need to know about current studies and the effects of exposure for your child.
October 23rd
More Than One Million Cribs Recalled
A recall of more than 1.6 million cribs was announced this week because of the suffocation deaths of two eight-month-old infants. Parents are warned to check their own cribs, even if they are not part of the recall. Here is what you need to know to ensure that your baby is safe in her crib.
October 24th
Study Finds Link Between Depression and Premature Babies
A new study, about premature babies that shows a link between symptoms of depression in pregnant mothers and premature babies, was published yesterday in the medical journal, Human Reproduction.
October 26th
Warning about Carter Baby Clothing
If your baby has a mysterious rash all over his back, chances are that it could be caused by his onsie or pajamas. There have been more than 400 reports about infant developing rashes on their backs after wearing Carter clothing. Some of the rashes reported in the news are so severe that blisters have formed. Read more to learn about the details.