We had a super busy week in the baby blog thanks to some guest bloggers. In fact, it was so busy, I had to divide the week in review in half. You can read the first half here.
August 1 World Breastfeeding Week and That Critical First Hour
The focus of World Breastfeeding Week this year is saving one million babies by getting more mothers to breastfeed within the first hour after birth. The World Health Organization estimates that if there were simply a moderate increase in breastfeeding, infant mortality would drop drastically!
Did you know that your baby is capable of telling the difference between what is reality and what is not? More and more researchers are starting to discover that babies are really very intelligent socially and are capable of understanding much more than we ever really thought. Read this blog to find out more about how your baby’s brain works!
August 2 Initiating Breastfeeding with the Breast Crawl
All babies, if placed on their mother’s abdomens, are capable of finding their mother’s nipple and initiating breastfeeding on their own. Find out more about this fascinating phenomenon.
Why I Wouldn’t Wish Twins on Anyone
Recently, many people have remarked how ‘they wished they had had twins.’ While I love my girls dearly, read this blog to find out why I wouldn’t wish twins on anyone.
Breastfeeding Reaches the Poor and Huddled Masses
To encourage breastfeeding in New York City, and to coincide with World Breastfeeding Week, the New York City Department of Health banned free formula in public hospitals. (Free formula can still be obtained through WIC and can also be obtained via a pediatrician’s subscription if indicated.) They have combined the formula ban with parenting and breastfeeding support classes that will reach the poorest neighborhoods where breastfeeding is simply unheard of.
August 4 Characteristics of Strong Willed Toddlers
Not every toddler who throws a temper tantrum is strong willed. Read this blog to find out more about specific characteristics displayed by the strongest of wills!