Did you have a fun weekend with your baby? We had a lot of fun with a trip to New York City. That isn’t the main reason for my absence on Friday, though. We had our Internet connection go down and only restored today. At least the downtime gave me an excuse for extra baby play time! Now, here is the week in review.
July 14th
Baby Blog Week in Review: July 7th Through July 13th
With babies, there is always something new every day. My little one turned two-years-old today. It is hard to believe that this energetic toddler started out as a fragile newborn who came into the world already charming everyone in the delivery room with his big eyes, long toes and the ability to accurately wet two nurses and one doctor when he was less than a minute old.
Bringing Baby to the Library: The Children’s Room
The library can be a rewarding experience for both you and your baby. If you missed the earlier article about this topic, just click here: Bringing Baby to the Library.
Lack of Sleep Linked to Injuries
Is your baby, toddler or preschooler always falling down, bumping in to things and getting hurt there you may think it is just normal kids behavior or perhaps an awkward clumsiness that he may someday outgrow. But the truth is that your little one might just be sleep deprived.
July 15th
Using Compromise with a Toddler
There is a reason that they call it the terrible twos. Two-year-olds tend to want to assert their own independence and opinions, even if they don’t quite make sense to us. A limited vocabulary also adds to their frustration because they can’t always communicate what they want and may have trouble being understood.
July 16th
Using Compromise with a Toddler 2
Yesterday in Using Compromise with a Toddler, I talked about how compromise can be a great form of discipline with your child. I talked about one type of compromise and gave a specific example that happened to occur in our household earlier this week. Now, let’s talk a little more about the art of compromise.
July 17th
Are your children more of one gender than the other? Are you hoping specifically for a boy or a girl? New research says that your diet may have something to do with the sex of your baby! And in some developed countries, the proportion of boys is actually falling due to dietary changes.