With babies, there is always something new every day. My little one turned two-years-old today. It is hard to believe that this energetic toddler started out as a fragile newborn who came into the world already charming everyone in the delivery room with his big eyes, long toes and the ability to accurately wet two nurses and one doctor when he was less than a minute old.
Because of all of the changes, it is important to keep up with the latest news.
July 7th
Baby Blog Week in Review: June 30th Through July 6th
Summer time is so much fun with a baby. From splashing in a kiddie pool to talking long walks in a stroller, going to the beach and spotting fireflies, it is always a great adventure. what do you and your baby love about summer?
The miracle of a baby’s smile, how it just instantly melts your heart and makes the sleep deprivation and the stress all worth while, is a powerful thing. Now, researchers have concluded, a baby’s smile not only warms the heart but it affects the brain, and it does so much the same way that a drug might.
July 8th
Dealing with Old Fashioned Baby Advice
When you have a baby, the advice comes out of the woodwork. Some of it is much welcomed, such as when someone gives you the perfect trick for soothing your baby, while other advice can be old fashioned and even dangerous if not useless, such as binding a belly button to ensure an “outie.”
July 9th
You might be surprised to know that libraries generally welcome babies. A visit to the library with your baby can be a fun and rewarding experience. It can introduce the importance of books to your little one, provide an opportunity for socialization, and let’s face it, if you stay home with your baby, the opportunity to get out of the house.
July 10th
If you have ever looked at your child and wondered if your baby could be a model then you’ll want to keep reading. I’ll talk about some of the things that make it more likely for your baby to have the opportunity to model.
July 11th
Would You Sell Naming Rights to Your Baby?
One of those cute parenting e-mail that goes around talks about all the things you get for your money when you have a child (as well as the cost involved). One point was that you get naming rights. If you want to name a human being “Sassafras Major Chicken” you can. And you can do it legally, provided it is your own child.
July 12th
If you are a newborn black infant, your chances of survival to toddler-hood is less than if you are a newborn white infant. This is according to a study that was published in the January 2008 issue of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
July 13th
Early Solid Food Causes Allergies? Maybe, Maybe Not
One of the great questions involving baby care is the introduction of solid foods. When did you or will you start your baby on solid foods? I have seen parents all across the spectrum with this one, from those who started putting cereal in their baby’s bottle at three weeks to those who waited until almost a year to introduced any form of solid food.