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Baby Blog Week in Review June 17 to June 23

Here is another blog for your reviewing pleasure. I mentioned in my last blog that I got horribly behind in writing my week in review blogs. However, I realize many of you are likely starting your summer vacation season and that you’ll need a succinct way to catch up so here it is!

Saturday, June 23 Nursing Nuisances: What is a Tongue Tied Baby?

This is a rare condition but it is genetic and so if you have one tongue tied baby, you are likely to have more if you have more children. It can make breastfeeding very difficult. Read this article to find out more about having a tongue tied baby.

Friday, June 22 Why You Shouldn’t Set a Breastfeeding Goal

This article would’ve more appropriately been titled: “Why You Shouldn’t Set a Rigid Breastfeeding Goal That Will Lead You to Either Wean Early or Be Disappointed When You Don’t Reach It.” But obviously, I can’t title my blog that. But I do find that a lot of woman with very rigid preconceived notions about how long breastfeeding should occur, either end up disappointed if something goes wrong or they wean their baby much earlier than was necessary. Are you a rigid goal setter? Read this blog to find out more!

Wednesday, June 20 Law Aimed at Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome

I’ve written a few pieces about shaken baby syndrome and the damage it can cause. A new law is in legislation to require all hospitals to show an educational video on the subject to all parents–but is it enough?

Tuesday, June 19 Smoking with a Newborn in the House is Dangerous

A new study has come out that shows that nicotine by products are in the urine of babies whose parents smoke–even if they never smoke inside the house or in their baby’s room. Along with these new findings, there is a slew of research that shows how harmful second hand smoke is to a baby!

Monday, June 18 Mushy Food Makes Picky Eaters

UNICEF is now recommending that babies do not ever start solids by eating mush but rather they start by eating right off your plate! Find out why when you read this article.

Sunday, June 17 There’s Laughter in Your Breastmilk

I found this study so intriguing I just had to write about it. When women laugh while they’re nursing–their babies reap the healthy benefits! Find out how and why!