Oops! The last few weekends have been filled with craziness and I have simply forgotten to do my week in review blogs! Between homeschooling conventions, a bout with croup, and year end activities–the time (and my brain) just escaped from me. So if you’ve missed anything recently. . .it’s here!
Saturday, May 26 Babies Have Astounding Capabilities
Scientists and researchers are learning more and more about how babies learn language. It’s changing the way we define intelligent and challenging our beliefs on the best ways to enhance development.
Friday, May 25 Preemies Listening to Vivaldi?
Check out this exciting research that studies the benefits of preemies listening to classical music.
Thursday, May 24 Bedtimes that Make Sense
Do you need help trying to figure out how to get your baby down to bed at night and stay asleep? I can’t guarantee any ‘magical’ cure but check out this article for some great tips on how to establish a solid bed time routine!
Tuesday, May 22 Boob Tube Babies
Surveys are showing that our babies are wasting too much time in front of the television. I have said before that T.V. is like soda for the brain. Are you raising a boob tube baby?
Monday, May 21 Baby Sitting Has Gone High Tech
Having trouble finding a baby sitter? Check out these online sites that take finding a baby sitter to the next level.
Sunday, May 20 Japan’s Baby Mail Box
Our country has safe haven laws and many hospitals will take unwanted babies without asking questions. However, the concept is relatively new in Japan and just recently they had opened a drop box for babies at a hospital in the south of the country. Unfortunately, the first baby in the baby drop box wasn’t a baby at all, but a 3 year old boy.
Saturday, May 19 The Savvy Mom Reviews Two “New” Baby Products
Want to know what’s new and cool for your baby? Don’t miss this review.
Thursday, May 17 Ask a Baby Blogger: Breastfeeding and Bonding
Does it really make that big of a difference in bonding if you don’t breastfeed? Does breastfeeding really promote that much bonding in the first place? Read this blog to find out the answers to these questions.
Wednesday, May 16 Baby’s Got a Gun
This has to be the most ludicrous story that I’ve written. . .thus far. Check out this 10 month old baby who received a permit to pack heat!
Tuesday, May 15 The Breastfeeding Mafia is Starving Babies
This blog is an unusual one for me to write. Aggressive campaigning for breastfeeding has resulted in some moms not getting the proper medical attention for their starving newborns! This is a must read for those of us who want to actively support breastfeeding!
Monday, May 14 5 Tips for Taking Your Baby Out to a Restaurant
What more can I say? If you have a big evening and you can’t leave your little ones behind. . .check out these tips for a more sane dining experience!
Friday, May 11 Baby Dagny: A Parent Friendly Company
Along with specializing excellent and innovative products for moms and their babies, this company also takes on mompreneurs turning their ideas into real inventions.
Thursday, May 10 Springs Babies: Less Intelligent?
Research is suggesting that environmental factors play a big role in the lower I Qs of many spring babies!
Wednesday, May 9 PCOS and Breastfeeding
If you have PCOS and are expecting, this is a must read article. You CAN still breastfeed.
Tuesday, May 8 Predicting Baby’s Gender by 5 Weeks?
There is a company that says they have a test that can let you know your baby’s gender as early as 5 weeks. Does it work? Is this really a good idea? Read this blog to find out more.