Here is another edition of the week in review. The purpose of a week in review blog is to link all of the blogs from this past week in one place so that you can easily catch up on any missed reading. So now is the time to grab that cup of coffee, curl up in front of the computer and catch up on some baby news!
Wednesday, October 3 Does Breastfeeding Increase the Risk of Allergies, Asthma and Eczema?
A new study published yesterday seems to indicate that the longer you exclusively breastfeed, the more likely it is that your baby might suffer allergies. The study was the first longitudinal study of its type and many believe that there were serious flaws to its design. It should also be noted that babies on formula are significantly more at risk for developing these same conditions.
Thursday, October 4 Do You Know About Synagis?
If you have a preemie, this is one article you need to read. Preemies especially, are at serious risk of developing complications from a very common virus called RSV. RSV can cause the common cold, but in preemies, it can often cause severe respiratory infections requiring hospitalization. Synagis is a shot your preemie can receive to help protect against RSV.
Memo to New Moms: You Can’t Get It All Right
From trying to find your baby the best possible social interaction to trying to make sure that you do everything possible to boost his development new moms can sometimes make themselves crazy. Take it from this mother of five, you cannot get it all right. Instead, slow down and just enjoy your baby while he’ll sit in your lap!
Friday, October 5 The Magic of Music
Music is a powerful tool when dealing with toddlers. Babies can understand the difference between music and just plain talking as early as two months. Read this blog to hear how we use music in our home for everything from soothing to helping toddlers get in gear to clean up!