If you’re concerned that your toddler is developing breasts, don’t be too worried. Toddler girls can develop what is called benign premature thelarche, which are just the technical terms for early breast development. Most pediatricians will advise you not to worry about it, but be sure to consult with them on the development of what looks like breasts at such an early age.
Typically, benign premature thelarche is the result of extra hormones in the system. These excess hormones can stimulate the breast tissue to develop. The extra tissue will either go away or remained as a small nubbin until your little one hits puberty and develops breasts.
That Being Said
That being said, be aware that just because there are benign conditions that cause early breast development for a few months, be sure to check with your pediatrician if your baby does seem to be developing breasts. There are different causes for it, usually related to growth like sudden jumps in height percentiles that can leave excess hormones in the system.
The majority of these conditions in toddlers are quite benign, but I’m not a physician and every baby is different and deserves individual examination to make sure everything is fine. Did your baby develop breasts early?