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Baby Carriers 101

This new trend is hard to miss- babies worldwide are being “worn” by their parents like accessories! The baby sling is the new handbag! But baby-wearing isn’t about fashion; it’s about better bonding, happier babies, easier feedings and parenting convenience. It may be a new trend in the Western World, but baby-wearing is as old as mankind; it crosses all cultural and economic divides. Baby-wearing frees up parental hands to take care of other duties, even while breastfeeding. Babies tend to sleep easier and stay content longer while being carried and this benefits everyone!

As baby-wearing has increased in popularity in the last decade, so have the options in baby-wearing. Parents truly can couple quality bonding, parenting convenience and unique fashion. Many parents even own several different wraps, slings or front packs to coordinate with various outfits or to use in various situations. Some slings are better for breastfeeding with, some are better for smaller or larger babies, some have better back support, and some are more comfortable. There choices are now endless.

Some of the more popular baby carriers are:

The Maya-style Sling: This sling, popularized by the Maya Wrap carrier, is basically a wide piece of cloth with metal rings at one end for the other end to be threaded through in order to create the sling. The sling is worn over one shoulder and under the other arm and the baby is placed inside the “pouch” made by adjusting the tail in the rings. The Maya-style sling is versatile because it accommodates children from birth through early childhood, it can be used for infants laying down, sitting on the hip, the back, facing forward from the front or facing the parent’s chest. It can be used for breastfeeding and many parents claim they feel their infants are very secure and that they are able to adjust this sling with precision.

The Padded Sling: This sling, popularized by Dr. Sears, is similar in style to the Maya-style sling but the outer and inner edges of the fabric are padded. Some parents prefer these slings because they feel their children are more comfortable in them and that they are easier to use. Some parents dislike the added bulk from the pads and feel like they are just a nuisance and can’t be adjusted as precisely as a Maya-style sling. A popular brand of padded sling is the Over the Shoulder Baby Holder along with Nojo.

The Basic Wrap: This is similar to the Maya-style sling but without any rings. This wrap is tied on. Many parents love this style because it has significantly more versatility than a sling as it can be tied in a variety of positions. Other parents are overwhelmed by the wrap; its learning curve is higher than a sling and the idea of tying it on can leave already nervous new parents anxiety-ridden! Long time baby-wearers tend to prefer the warp over the sling for the versatility, however. Examples of popular basic wraps are the Didymos, the Moby Wrap, the Rebozo and Hug-a-Bub is quickly gaining in popularity

Pouch Carriers: Pouch carriers are similar in function to the sling and warp except that they are already formed in the “sling” shape so there is absolutely no adjustment, tying, etc. The benefits of the pouch-style carriers are that they are wonderfully easy for new parents to use and parents tend to feel MUCH more secure using a pouch since there is nothing for the parent to do except place the child into the pouch. On the other hand, parents also complain about the lack of adjustability with pouch carriers. They tend to only be used with very small babies since they are not practical for anything other than the cradle hold. They are easy to breastfeed with. Pouch-style slings that are popular include the New Native Pouch, Hotslings and the Maya Pouch.

Front Pack: Snugli made the front pack popular some years ago. The front pack is a pack that a newborn is carried in, facing in or out, in front of the parent. The pack is carried, like a backpack on backward, on both shoulders. Many parents complain that the front pack does not provide enough back support and their backs and necks quickly tire and become painful. The front pack can typically only be used for very small babies. It is easier to use than many slings and warps, however. Baby Bjorn is one of the most popular front packs along with the Ergo which provides additional functionality as a back carrier and can be used for larger babies and toddlers as well.

Asian Baby Carriers: These Asian-inspired baby carriers (often called ABCs) are soft fabric carriers that are easy to breastfeed in, generally easy to use and can be used on the front or the back. They are worn over both shoulders and are great for long outings. ABCs are generally better for babies beyond the newborn period. Popular ABCs include the Kozy Carrier, the Rosie Baby Carrier.

The Podegi: This is a Korean blanket carrier. It is for back-carrying older infants or toddlers, only. It is beautiful and comfortable for both Baby and Parent and very easy to learn to use. The baby lies across your back and the blanket lies across baby and ties around your body and back around baby.