I remember when these signs became so popular. They were a trendy item that let moms and dads alike notify other drivers that they had a baby on board. Ideally, other drivers would pay more attention and behave themselves when it came to driving around the car carrying such precious cargo.
When it comes to baby, there’s nothing you won’t do for them, right? The baby on board sign was a way to protect babies and the vehicles that housed them. So what good is a baby on board sign these days? The trend, like those with ribbons, has been overdone.
These days, baby on board means more than just a sign on your car. It means choosing a safe vehicle that provides your child with maximum protection on the road and from other drivers. Mini-vans are popular and so are SUVs, but the size of the vehicle is not as important as the crash protection it provides.
Another factor that’s important for having a baby on board is to make it easy to put a baby carrier in and out of a car. Any mom who’s ever tried to load her baby with the right carry seat and lock it down, knows what they want. You want to be able to put the seat in the right position. You don’t want to have to stretch half way across the car and if you have a two door, you sure don’t want to be trying to jiggle the seat into the right position.
What will make most moms, new and old, happy is that auto manufacturers are getting with the idea that we have a baby on board. They are using sampling data and mom executives to help fulfill the needs of mom drivers. So keep an eye out for new features in cars, including seats that come all the way forward and more.
Baby on board indeed – it’s about time.