We are having a ton of fun with our new bundle of joy. She was born on Memorial Day and we three are learning together what it means to now be a foursome. One of the first things we have done with our three year-old-daughter is to turn the freshly minted baby photos into a fun game of guess-who. She has always loved looking through photos of her family members as infants and little kids about her age, trying to find the similarities between their faces and hers. The most enjoyable thing about this has been putting her photos side by side with those of her sister at the same points in time and asking her to try and figure out which pictures are of her and which were just taken of her new baby sister. So far, we have shots of the official first weigh-in, the just-wrapped-up bundle of joy in Mommy’s arms and the first bath.
I have an Apple MacBook with iPhoto, so this baby picture review & game is easy to pull off. With just a couple clicks I can easily line up the photos in pairs in their own album and play the game whenever she wants.
My girl is very accustomed to reviewing older pictures and strolling down memory lane with her mom and dad. Between my 2500 plus-photograph iPhoto library and my wife’s physical scrapbooks and photo albums documenting numerous vacations and specific time periods, we have years’ worth of pictures and memories at our fingertips. We make it a habit to regularly peruse our past together as a family and my toddler loves every minute of it. She will ask tons of questions about the people and places captured in the shots. This activity serves to help her memory stay strong, maintain a connection to her family members and her own experiences, and keeps the fire of travel and adventure permanently ablaze in her heart and mind!