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Baby Shower Alternatives

My blog, What to do When Nobody Gives You a Shower generated a few comments. Some readers agreed with me that all babies should be celebrated with a shower or a party after the birth. A few considered the idea to be begging for gifts. The gifts weren’t the point. It was the idea of celebrating the new mother and baby.

I think all babies should be celebrated. Whether it’s the first or the tenth, each baby is a special blessing. The mother and baby deserve a party. One reason a shower is often not given after the first baby is that people assume the mother doesn’t need all new baby gear. This is often true, so here are some ways to have a shower without all the baby gifts.

Consider hosting a covered dish shower. This is a blessing to a mother with more than one child. Cooking with a newborn and other children is exhausting in the early weeks. Good food is a gift all new parents can use. Each guest brings a covered dish that is ready to be frozen. At the end of the shower, the couple has a freezer full of meals for after the baby is born.

For a special remembrance, have each guest write the recipe on a card. Put the cards in a file box for the mother to be. She may get hooked on freezer cooking when she sees how great it is to have a good meal ready in a hurry.

If a friend is not having a shower and you want to do something special, consider a day at the spa. This is the perfect alternative to a shower for the mother to be and a couple close friends. Relax and laugh together as you enjoy spa treatments. Get a facial and a manicure or go for the full day of beauty.

This idea is good for two or three really close friends or family members. Give the gift of clean to the new parents. A friend or two can come over and help with the spring cleaning. Help set up the baby’s room or do any chores that need to be done. This is an excellent alternative to a shower for a mother to be with a husband in the military.

Related Articles:

A New Trend: Couples Showers

Planning a Baby Shower

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About Pattie Hughes

Pattie Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four young children. She and her husband have been married since 1992. Pattie holds a degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. Just before her third child was born, the family relocated to Pennsylvania to be near family. She stopped teaching and began writing. This gives her the opportunity to work from home and be with her children. She enjoys spending time with her family, doing crafts, playing outside at the park or just hanging out together.