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Baby Toes

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE baby feet. Some are long and thin; others are short and squeezably plump. Either way, I adore them. And if you’re a parent, you probably do too.

My love affair with baby feet started soon after my son was born. I quickly realized that he had been graced (or cursed actually) with my feet. They were short and wide and distinctly resembled Fred Flintstone feet. In time, as he grew, my husband began to refer to his feet as paws. The poor angel, we always had to buy him extra wide shoes so there would be enough room to wiggle his toes! But I loved those feet. Still do, though now they’re admittedly stinkier now that he’s five. And kissing his toes isn’t nearly as fun.

When my daughter came along, her feet were a bit longer. I wasn’t sure who’d they resemble. But it appears that her feet are now a mixture of her dad’s and mine. She may be able to wear thin, strappy heels after all – if that’s what she chooses, of course.

Have you considered photographing your baby’s feet? You’ve likely seen those adorable pictures on greeting cards or gift bags, you know, the ones where the baby’s feet are surrounded by a blanket. They are usually in black and white. Taking these pictures is actually quite simple. Have someone hold your baby on his or her lap. It’s best if you can have them sit somewhere that window light is filtering in. You do not want to use a flash for this picture. Let the window light do its magic. Cover the adult’s legs with a white cloth. It can be a napkin, a towel, a tablecloth, anything. Then set the baby on the adult’s lap and have them gently hold the baby’s ankles so that the feet are not spreading open widely. Cover the baby’s legs with a similar white material and take the shot. What you’ll have is a memory to last a lifetime.

If your baby is young enough that they aren’t yet squirming, you can also lay them on a bed that has window light coming in. If your sheets are white or cream, this works well. Simply pull the sheet back so that the baby’s feet are exposed and take the shot, being careful to keep the covers off of the rest of the baby!