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Baby Walking – Get it on Film

Ah…watching a baby start to crawl around and then walk is a joyous time, a time of celebration. It is so exciting watching this little human being advance from being 100% dependent on your care to having his or her own will and personality. With each step taken, your baby will look at you for approval and squeal with glee. This excitement of doing something new is what makes walking so great.

For you, time will go by so quickly. Before you know it, your crawling baby will be walking and then next thing you know, kissing you goodbye as he or she heads off to college. To make sure these precious moments don’t just slip by, you can capture them on film, creating a permanent treasure. If you want to get the best photographs possible, experts recommend you take more than you think you need. Now, with a video camera, you can cut out the moments you want to keep so even if you have a lot of footage that does not mean it all has to be used. With the benefit of digital cameras, you can see exactly what you are capturing.

When filming your baby walking, we suggest you get as close as you can so you capture all the wonderful details. Then, rather than just shoot while your baby walks, watch him or her carefully, choosing to start shooting at the right time. In other words, some of the best footage is when your baby doesn’t realize he or she’s being filmed. Therefore, be patient, waiting for the perfect opportunity. While the smiles into the camera are fun, some of the greatest memories are those with candid shots.

You also want to consider the background if possible. Although you can’t always get the dirty countertops or toys strewn on the floor out of the picture, using a viewfinder to zero in on the baby would provide better coverage. You can also keep the background a little out of focus if you want your baby’s movements to be the focal point. This is exceptionally helpful if the background is busy or competing with your baby’s movements.

Again, digital cameras on the market today are amazing. Many such as the Sony Cybershot are actually a digital camera and video recorder. This way, you get the best of both worlds. The main thing is keep your equipment handy. Babies have a mind of their own so you always want to be prepared to capture great footage when he or she is ready to start moving around.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.