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Back to Business as Usual

Whew! I think we’re finally getting back to normal around here. I didn’t realize just how much the additional demands of the holidays affected my home and family. Things have been upside down. I told you about the embarrassing sock situation, which left me feeling like a really bad Mommy, and I’ve shared some of the other craziness from time to time.

Well, things are settling down and it feels good to get back to normal (whatever normal means). I think this is the first morning in about a month that I haven’t been overstressed. We all seem to be getting back into our regular patterns, just in time for me to start preparing for birthdays and other holidays, like my daughter’s birthday next month and Valentine’s Day.

Then, it will my husband’s birthday, Easter, and my oldest daughter’s birthday. After that comes Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, my birthday, and our wedding anniversary. Then, there’s Father’s Day, my brother’s birthday, and Fourth of July. August means back to school, and at the end of the month, my Mom’s birthday. September is Labor Day then it will be Halloween. After that, the major holiday season starts again. Wow! No wonder the years seem to slip by so fast.

I’m sure there are plenty of things I’ve left out, including sports and other school activities and things at church, but I’m not going to think about all that stuff right now. I’m going to take a little breather. I am just going to do ordinary, routine stuff for the moment, and for a little while enjoy the everyday.

I love holidays and birthdays and all the fun and excitement that come with special occasions, but I’m ready for a little monotony. How about you? Are you breathing a little easier now that the holidays are over?

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