It’s back to school time for many, and for others its rapidly approaching. If you have some time left, sit back and enjoy the last days of summer. However, if you are in back to school mode, there are some photo opportunities that just shouldn’t be missed. School brings on loads of concerts, events and classroom activities worth having a camera in hand for.
The First Day
Everyone loves the first day of school photo. Have you considered doing a first and last day of school photo? It is fun to compare the differences, growth spurts and the way your child has grown during the year. Another great idea is to photograph your child in front of the same object every year or with the same object every year. We photograph our children with our car as the background, holding their backpacks on their back in the first day of school outfit. It is so much fun to go back and see how much my daughter has grown, see when her tiny head popped above the lower part of the window and how huge her backpack looked on her in Kindergarten.
The Bus
Many people like to capture a photo as the children are waiting for the bus. But try to be available at the end of the day and snap some shots as they are getting off the bus. Faces filled with excitement, running to tell you of their first day of school and all the exciting things they will do.
If you have a chance, try to capture a photograph of your childs classroom each year. Sometimes zooming in and snapping some shots of things that are memorable to your children each year. Perhaps the lunch chart, or behavior chart. Their desk, cubby or just their name on the door.
Meet the Teacher
If your school hosts a meet the teacher event, ask if he or she would mind if you took a snapshot of your child with their new teacher. Some children might be uncomfortable with this, so you might need to wait until school is in session and they know their teacher better. However, getting one at the start of the year and one at the end of the year is so much fun. Again – comparisons.
Other times to remember the camera:
- Picking Up Schedules, Paperwork, etc.
- Field Trips
- Classroom Parties
- Award Ceremonies
- Concerts
- Sporting Events
- Activities
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Book Fair
- PTO Related Activities and much more!