I wrote earlier today about the importance of our personal belief systems in guiding and motivating our home businesses but I also wanted to talk a little about the role of brains and intellect and the role that intuition can play in helping us steer and grow our businesses. It is balancing the two sides that is important.
I do believe that there is a role for brains, logic and intellect AND guts and intuition. We need to be able to tap into both if we are going to have a whole, balanced approach to our business operations. Our intuition can be helpful in figuring out how we feel about certain choices and directions; it can guide us in deciding who to work with or whether certain customers, clients or vendors are going to be good additions to our business efforts. I find that my intuition also helps guide me so that I continue pushing my business in the direction I want it to go. I just instinctually “know” when someone feels good or positive or when something might turn out to be a nightmare.
Intellect on the other hand is also indispensable. Brains, logic, spread sheets, and organization are key to keeping things afloat. Sometimes, I need to use my intellect to push me forward when I might not really “feel” like doing something. My brain helps me to understand that it is going to be good for me and my business in the long run, even if it is unpleasant now. Intellect tends to be what other people respond to, as well. They might not want to know how I “feel” about something, but would rather look at hard numbers and a solid plan. Keeping some balance and tension between these two elements of operation helps me steer my business and keep things afloat.
Also: Personal Growth and Lessons from our Work