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Balancing Act

null Recently I watched Graeme Base, author and illustrator, being interviewed on the ABC show Talking Heads.

It was interesting to hear him talk about the struggle for the creative artist to balance work, even when they work at home,with family and time with their spouse.

It really hit home to him one time when his son tackled him about not being there for him and he said, ‘But I’m always at home.’

‘No Dad, you’re always working,’ his son replied.

That is a trap for those of us who work at home, finding the right balance between time spent working and time with spouse and family. It’s something I have to be wary of at times, so when Mick suggests we have a day out I do my best to make sure I can do it, because I never want him to feel he takes second place to my work, just as I tried to make sure my family never felt they took second place to my writing.

I know there are others who would choose to make different choices, but not me. So this week when Mick suggested a day out, I made sure I had my blogs and other writing organized early, so I was able to enjoy the day with him.

We drove along the Grand Pacific Drive and across the Sea Cliff Bridge, took a walk and a number of photos and had lunch overlooking the coast line. Then on the way back at his suggestion we stopped off at a fruit market we used to frequent.

I was like a child in a sweet shop, as I piled heaps of cheap fruit and vegetables into the trolley. Everything was at least a half to a third cheaper than any of the shops around our way. Even the dogs didn’t miss out as we bought cheap chicken necks from the meat and deli department.

So it turned out to be a relaxing and fun day together, as well as helping out the food budget and providing healthy food. It was a day of recharging our marriage and enjoying spending time together.

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