In this installment of the Barbie movie series, Elena is a flower fairy who lives deep inside a peony. She drinks nectar, plays with Bibble, her puffball friend, and shares secrets with her friend Dandelion. Only one thing mars this perfect existence: she has no wings. All the other fairies have wings, and some of them even tease her about it. She tries not to mind, but deep inside, she wonders why she’s different.
Laverna has a deep and sinister plot to take over Fairyland. Always jealous of her sister, the Enchantress, she has found a way to usurp her sister’s throne. One at a time, she is kidnapping the guardians of the fairies and harnessing the powers they possess in their necklaces. Topaz, the guardian where Elena lives, is missing, and the nearest help is Azura, the guardian in the next village. All the fairies are losing their ability to fly, thanks to a concoction of Laverna’s, and so Elena is the only one who can go, as she can walk and doesn’t have wings to fail her.
She sets off on her journey, accompanied by Bibble, and they track down Azura. Telling her of the plot, she knows what she must do, and sets off early the next day on her quest, leaving her necklace in Elena’s care. But no sooner does Azura try to leave but she is taken captive too, leaving Elena the only one who can bring Laverna down.
Laverna knows she can’t use her concoction against Elena, and comes up with another way to defeat her: she will sway Elena to her side by giving her what she’s always wanted. With a wave of her wand, she creates wings for Elena, showing her what life would be like if she were to turn to the dark side, as it were. But with a rush of willpower, Elena refuses, knowing that she can’t turn her back on her people for her own selfish uses.
This movie teaches that we all have strength within us, whether or not we realize it, and that perhaps each of us are different for a very special reason.
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