Stop the presses! Could all the hoopla surrounding Bob Barker’s massively hyped exit from “The Price Is Right” been for naught? Perhaps. Seems that the silver-haired host who hung up his microphone (presumably) for good just a few days ago MAY be returning to the show after all. At least temporarily.
Barker recently told news reporters that he would “happily return” to the show if a replacement host isn’t found by the time the new season starts in September.
“They’re having trouble finding someone to do the show,” Barker said. “And I’ve told members of the staff here that … if they wanted me to do it for a few more months, I would do it.
Hey, after 35 years of getting kissed on the cheek by thousands of excited fans who are thrilled to finally get out of contestant’s row what’s a few more months, right?
Barker rationalized that his possible return would be a thank-you of sorts to a company that has treated him like a king for more than three decades.
Executives at the company that produce the popular game show say they have left the door open for the possibility of Barker’s return.
“I am glad to know that Bob is thinking about coming back!” said one executive producer. “We haven’t made our final decision yet because, as you can imagine, we want to make sure that we leave no stones unturned.”
No final decision has been made, but rumor has it show producers have narrowed their search to four candidates. Among those reportedly in the running are Todd Newton of the E! Network (definite long shot—too young and too little known); Mark Steines of “Entertainment Tonight,” (I doubt it—-he’s good looking enough to want to kiss, but I think Barker’s shoes are a bit too big for him to fill); George Hamilton (he’s a front runner in my book, although I think he would tire of the daily gig before the audience would tire of him… and how would he keep up his golden tan if he’s cooped up in a studio all day); and John O’Hurley (he and Barker do have the same color hair, but I don’t know how winning contestants would feel about trading in their jubilant happy dances for a waltz with O’Hurley).
I say bring Barker back. His last episode – show number 6,586th – was taped Wednesday and will air twice on June 15th. I say bring him back for at least another 414 more shows so he can retire at an even 7,000.
Do you think Barker should come back?
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