This is a fun, basic sewing project to do with your kids that requires simple sewing skills. For tips on teaching your kids to sew that will hopefully save you a lot of frustration, you can read my previous blog, “Sewing with your Kids.”
You will need:
Two squares of fabric (felt, fleece or cotton) 4 inches by 4 inches
Needle and thread
Straight pins
Rice or small beans
1. Pin the two pieces of fabric together, with the points of the pins facing toward the middle of the square. This will prevent getting poked while sewing. If the fabric has a wrong side and a right side (felt or fleece won’t necessarily have right or wrong sides), make sure the right sides are facing in and the wrong sides out.
2. Double thread the needle and tie a knot in the end. Starting at one corner, sew a straight stitch about 1/4 inch away from the edges of the fabric. Sew all the way around the sides, leaving about 1 1/2 inches open for turning and stuffing. Tie a knot. (See “Sewing with your Kids” for needle-threading and knot-tying instructions).
3. Clip the thread. Turn the bean bag right side out.
4. Fill the bean bag about three quarters full of rice or beans. Tuck the raw edges of the opening in and whip stitch it shut. To sew a whip stitch, start by sending the needle through one side of the fabric from the inside to the outside to hide the knot. Then bring the needle around over the top of the opening and through all layers of fabric as shown.
5. Tie a knot and clip the thread.
Sew two more bean bags, and then you can teach your kids how to juggle!